Process Control Laboratory


ProcessControl Laboratory

Flow Controller

Used to model the open loop control response.Used to study the effects of differentcontrollerparametersandmethodsontheresponseof the closed loop system.

Level Controller

Used to model the open loop control response.To study the effects of different controller parameters and methods on the response of the closed loop system.

Temperature Controller

To model the open loop control response. To study the effects of different controller parameters and methods on the response oftheclosed loop system

Four Variables Controller

 To control level, flow rate, pressure andtemperature. For level-flow rate cascadecontrol.Fortemperature-flowrate cascade control

Coupled Tank Apparatus

To model the dynamic system of a coupledtank process behavior. Design andoperationofanalogue P,PI and PID controllers

Leveland FlowController

To analyze the static characteristic of the measurement system employed (Voltametric signal output, linearity, transferfunction) and its dynamic behaviors. To analyze the features of a pattern P (self-balancing)level process.To analyze the features of a pattern I (non-self -balancing) level process