Post Harvest Engineering and Management

Masters of science in postharvest engineering and management
Agriculture contributes about 50% to the overall GDP;generate 90 % export earnings and supplies about 70% of the country’s raw materials to the secondary activities (Kreuchauf, 2008).Even though these are basic facts,as a result of recurrent drought in the country from time totime, Ethiopia is facing repeated food insecurity and malnutrition problems. This is exasperated due to fluctuating and unpredictable climatic conditions influencing food crop production and poor postharvest management.
The country’s future development strategy focuses on effective mobilization and utilization of agricultural resources.Because of this,the government of Ethiopia is implementing a strategy called Agriculture Led Industrial Development (ALID). More recently, the government launcheda series of development and poverty reduction programs, including the Agricultural Growth and Rural Development Strategy and Program (2004), the Food Security Program (2004), and the Plan for Accelerated and Sustainable Development to End Poverty (PASDEP)(2006).The PASDEP’s (the Ethiopian Government 2005-2010 strategic plan) main trust is to fight poverty through accelerated economic growth,to be achieved mainly through commercialization of agriculture as well as economic growth and employment creation through private sector development.
Ethiopian agriculture is associated with challenges such as subsistence farming, lack of diversification,pastoral system with low productivity,and high post-harvest losses of agricultural products. The magnitude of post-harvest losses varies from region to region andcommodity to commodity. The highest post-harvest losses are observed in perishable agriculturalproducts such as fruits, vegetables and ornamentals. The post-harvest loss of cereals, pulses,legumes related to poorharvest,drying,packaging,storage and transport is also a serious problem. Export and value addition of various crop products is in a serious challenge due to quality related to seed whole someness and mycotoxin.To attain food security and generate more income, there is a huge potential for reducing post-harvest losses including quality loss and adding value toagricultural products through appropriate postharvest Technology. Furthermore, by converting waste to useful products, we could achieve additional revenue,clean environment and ensure sustainability.To reduce post-harvest losses and to add value to agricultural products,the need for appropriately trained human resource is quite vital. To achieve this, M.Sc. and PhD program in Postharvest engineering and management(PHEM) are to be designed.
In the context of the new PHEM program, Postharvest engineering and management (PHEM) is defined as any solution/ practice  to reduce the selosses associated with harvesting,handling,transportation,storage and distribution as well as to add value to agricultural products.This can be a process or a series of steps to be followed, use of a technique, a technology, or a marketingand management strategy. The shortage of qualified human resource in PHEM was reconfirmed during the needs assessment conducted in two rounds 2014 and 2015. During the assessment, (private industry,University,Governmentandnon-governmental,producersassociations,employersandcommunity group stakeholders) and employees were asked to identify important subject matterknowledge, skill sets, and competencies that graduates should have. The needs identified by the employers were considered and incorporated in the curriculum.

Objectives of the Program

  • To produce competent MSc graduates with the knowledge,skills and attitudes necessary for postharvest engineering and management and value addition of agricultural products
  • To adapt and/or generate technologies through demand driven and problem solving research in the area of postharvest engineering and management
  •   To disseminate appropriate postharvest technologies to potential users

Graduate Profiles

 The graduates in postharvest engineering and management (PHEM) will expected to contribute in different institutions as:

  • Lecturers in universities and colleges
  • Researchers in post-harvesttechnology / management of agricultural products and related area;
  • Extension experts on post-harvest technology / management and related disciplines;
  •  Professional trainers in post-harvest management and related fields;
  • Service providers and product developers of agricultural and value added products;
  • Quality controllers and safety inspectors throughout the whole value chain of agricultural products;
  • Policy advisors invarious institutions working in post-harvest management of agricultural products;
  • Entrepreneurs in post-harvest management of small and medium enterprises
Duration of the program
  • Two years
Medium of Instruction
  • English


Academic and non-academic requirements for this program should be aligned with the University’s requirements:



  • Applicants for admission to the M.Sc. program should have at least a bachelor's degree o rits equivalent in physical or biological sciences (Food engineering, food sciences andtechnology, chemical engineering, horticulture, plant sciences, agricultural engineering,chemistry,biology,post-harvest technology and related disciplines) from recognized institutions.
  • Applicants must pass written and oral entrance exams and fully satisfy the academic rules and regulation of the University.
  • The appropriateness of the candidature for admission to the MSc program will be determined by the Graduate Admission Committee of the Institute.
Annual intake
25 students
Tuition fee
(2020/21 rate)
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