Food Engineering


Doctor of Philosophy in Food Engineering

Food engineering in the era of globalization has become a key tool for boosting variousproductsthat ultimately makes nationsgreat in a number of aspects. Even though Ethiopiahad decided to use Food Engineering a decade ago or so, still the area is in its infancy stage.The government of Ethiopia is now determined to use Food Engineering more than ever inusing the program in increasing export and domestic food products along with the industrysectors.Tosustaintheeconomicgrowththathasbeenobservedoverthe las tfifteen years,the role of Food Engineering in boosting our economy would be in dispensible.The second growth and transformation plan of Ethiopia,which was launched inJuly 2015,has stressed the need for having a large number of postgraduate students at M.Sc, and PhD levels. With anincrease in the number of universities, industries, and research institutions in Ethiopia, there is a need fo rlaunching  postgraduates study at doctoral level.
With the increasing demand for more teachers,researchers,andskilled man power in industries,it is high time to open doctoral programs in area of Food Engineering.It is believed that diversifying Food related fields and training M.Sc holders at doctoral level notonly make our country competent at global level in different fields but also increase ourcapacity in knowledge utilization and creation in producing various products that improve thelivesofourpeoples. Nowadays,food processing industriesget great recognition in Ethiopia as a high-priorityarea. In order to achieve the expected returns on investment through good quality and rightvalue addition, application of technology and Engineering has become imperative, leading toan unprecedented demand for scientists, technologists, engineers and other professionals who can manage the emerging challenges of the food processing industry effectively.  
This demand for high-level expertise in the food processing area is wellknown and  understood by the Ministry of Trade and Industry and its accountable institution named Food,Beverage and Pharmaceutical Industry Development Institute (FBPIDI).The institute normally supports all food and beverage processing industries in Ethiopia. In the year 2018,the Institute advertised an open call for a twinning programme with Ethiopian academic Institutes. Bahir Dar Institute of Technology (BiT) through Fcaulty of Chemical and FoodEngineering has competed and won the project. Accordingly, the Institute entered into anagreement for the twinning programme on a number of issues including training, research,consultancy, etc.One of the demands for long-term trainings was a PhD study in Food Engineering.Accordingly,the Faculty established an adhoc committee to develop a PhD Food Engineering curriculum.


Objective of the program

  • To satisfy the country’s need for highly qualified PhD level trained Food Engineers To meet the demands of the country in academia ,research, industry, governmental and non-governmental organizations to support development efforts of the country.
  • To produce high level trained professionals who are capable of teaching at higher institutes,conducting independent research,providing consultancy service to policy and decision making.
  • To produce professionals who are capable of taking leadership position in higher institutes,industries,governmental and non-governmental organizations
  • To produce graduates who can initiate,promote and foster research in different thematic areas of Food Engineering in line with the needs and aspiration of the country.
  • To up grade the qualification, knowledge and research skill of researchers in tertiary level learning and research institutions
  • To increase systematic critical thinking in both theoretical and applied aspects of food engineering
  • To develop multidisciplinary problem solving skills,allowing graduates to apply new knowledge and insights to future research in food engineering
  • To equip graduates with the required research design and analytical skills related to food engineering
  • Graduate profile 

Engineering professionals are expected to be:

  • From the level of production supervision to the general manager position in various food and beverage industries.
  • Instructors at higher level institutions
  • Researchers at different sector
  • Manager of food related laboratories  
  • Leaders in different areas of Food Engineering in the country and elsewhere in the world. 
  • Advisors and consultants to policy makers, food and beverage industries
  • Designers in Food process engineering and technologies with special emphasis on national problem.
  • Innovators and Entrepreneurs in the areas of Food Engineering. 

Duration of the program

  • three to five 

Medium of Instruction

  • English

Admission criteria

  • MSc degree or equivalent in related fields which is to be decided by FGC from a recognized institution. An applicant with MSc in non-chemical engineering fields, but very close background to the proposed specialization may have to attend some graduate courses recommended by the advisory committee.
  • PhD by research candidates should demonstrate a strong academic and research background (i.e. at least 2 publications) including having the ability to independently pursue the research of interest in a scientific manner.
  • The faculty may give a written qualifying examination and an obligatory interview in consultation with the advisors.
  • Candidates are expected to submit two recommendation letters on a statement of interest/motivation, and a research concept note for the PhD program.
  • Candidates must also meet the general application and graduation admission policy of BiT-BDU.

Annual intake

5 students

Tuition fee

(2020/21 rate)

Contact person

Admasu Fenta (PhD, Assoc. professor).


Sadik Jemal (Asst. Professor)


