Energy and Environmental

Engineering Chair



Alelign Anmaw 

Energy and Environmental

Engineering Chair Holder


Office: side to mass transfer lab

The Environmental and Energy Engineering (EEE) Chair is one of the six chairs under the Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering. The EEE chair consists of two multidisciplinary fields of studies, namely Environmental Engineering and Energy Engineering. Environmental Engineering deals with protecting the environment from the potentially harmful effects of human activity, protecting human populations from the effects of adverse environmental factors, and improving environmental quality for human health. On the other hand, Energy Engineering is concerned with the generation, storage, transmission and distribution of energy. 

Environmental Engineering provides greater opportunities to explore health and environmental problems through water treatment, liquid and solid waste management, pollution (air, water, and soil) management and risk (health and ecological) management. While, Energy Engineering provides a greater focus on sustainable energy sources, energy generation and storage, energy demand and supply, energy transmission and distribution, and energy utilization and auditing. However, these fields are not mutually exclusive. The growing concern about energy scarcities and environmental problems associated with energy systems requires for the integration of these fields, and other disciplines (such as business and law) in the design and implementation of environmental and energy processes. 

Currently, the EEE chair manages a MSc program in Environmental Engineering that interweaves the fundamentals of classical and modern sciences like chemistry, biology, ecology, physics, hydrology and mathematics with environmental engineering applications augmented with the realities of policy and engineering economics, while addressing a wide variety of environmental issues.

The specific objectives of the programs in the EEE chair include:

  • To integrate basic science of engineering and applied science to solve complicated and multi-criterion optimalization problems in the field of environmental and energy engineering.
  • To analyze and solve problems in the field of environmental and energy engineering using suitable computation techniques and application of different simulation software packages.
  • To enhance research and development of environmental and energy engineering fields.
  • To demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate and manage current and real energy and environmental problems that arise from industries and communities. 
  • To generate skilled manpower that is capable of innovating and developing efficient and affordable water treatment technologies, waste treatment and management technologies and sustainable energy sources and systems, and conducting energy and environmental audits.


Process Engineering Chair



Abebaw Eshetie (Ph.D)

Assistant Professor 

Process Engineering Chair Holder


Office: Gion bulding office no. 212

Process Engineering is one of the chair systems in in the Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering, which embraces a widespread variety of technical fields to play a major role in scientific and technological development in specialized fields such as design, construction, operation of the plants and machinery used in industrial chemical processes and production of new materials to satisfy consumer needs. It is to ensure that any products produced by the manufacturers be in an efficient and cost-effective manner while complying with health and safety regulations and quality standards.

Process Engineers can work within the field of chemical engineering or biochemical engineering or biomedical engineering or roles related to mechanical engineering or other engineering fields. Process engineers assist to transform raw materials into valuable everyday products. They are responsible for designing, implementing, controlling and optimizing industrial processes and machinery in the manufacturing industry. Within pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing, these processes can also be chemical or biochemical.

The main goals of the chair are to produce competent professionals and to build the manpower capacity in the fields of Process Engineering at BSc, MSc and PhD levels in the areas of Process Engineering, Process Engineering & Design, Biochemical Engineering, Polymer Science & Engineering, Nano Science & Technology. To achieve these goals, the chair is organized as follows in the field of chemical engineering.

  • To integrate basic science of engineering and applied science, to solve complicated and multi-criterion optimization problems.
  • To design a system component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
  • To have a profound insight into current research and development as well as  to analyze and solve problems using suitable computational techniques and application of different simulation software.
  • To demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate and manage current and real problems drawn from process industries, society and research centers.
  • To appreciate the importance of professional and ethical responsibility and of learning and applying further scientific and engineering principles throughout their career.

To effectively coordinate and support the Teaching-Learning, Research and Innovation, Technology Transfer and Community Engagement activities in the Process Engineering Chair to achieve the goals and mission of Bahir Dar Institute of Technology (BiT), Bahir Dar University (BDU).


Food and Beverage Process Chair


Biresaw Demelash Abera (PhD)

Food and Beverage Process Chair




Food and Beverage Process Chair is one of the chairs available in the Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering. This Chair is organized to include a wide range of interrelated disciplines so that it plays a major role in scientific and technological developments in Food and Beverage Processing sector. The main focus of the Chair is to produce graduates equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills who can contribute for the improvement and sustainability of the manufacturing of foods and beverages in the country.  Most important focus areas include raw material characterization, processing, modelling and optimization, value addition as well as improving indigenous food processing and standardization. Besides to having well organized curriculum that has been frequently reviewed and updated based on the countries demand, the Chair owns practical laboratories well equipped with pilot scale food processing equipment.

The goal of the Chair is to produce competent graduates to support the professional demand of the expanding Food and Beverage Processing industries in Ethiopia. To meet this objective, the Chair complemented with Food Quality and Safety Chair, has currently one bachelor programme in Food Engineering and one master programme in Food Technology. In addition, the two Chairs are impressively working to start PhD programmes in Food Engineering and Food Process Engineering in 2014 E.C to meet the demand of professionals at PhD level especially from tertiary academic institutions.

The presence of staff having different academic profile together with the availability of laboratory facilities has helped the Chair to substantially contribute its share to achieve the goals and mission of Bahir Dar Institute of Technology and the University. Besides to the teaching learning activities, appreciable number of the Chair members have been engaged in research and community service activities each year.


Food Quality and Safety Chair


Admasu Fanta  (PhD)

Assoc. Prof. in Food Chemistry &

Postharvest Technology

Food Quality & Safety Chair Holder


Office: Food Research Lab, 2nd floor

Food Quality and Safety is a significant determinant of health, nutritional status, and productivity of the population besides being a critical contributor to the success of the agroindustry and food trade in today’s globally interconnected supply chain systems.

Cognizant of this fact, the Food Quality & Safety chair (FQS) has been operating as one of the specialization units of the Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering, dealing with quality teaching and problem-solving research in Food Quality and Safety. The chair complements the knowledge, skill, and attitude requirements of the food engineering students, in addition to those provided by the Food & Beverage Process chair.  Moreover, the chair administers the MSc program in Food Quality and Safety via regular and continuing admission in a blended-learning approach. The FQS chair has played its part in developing the PhD program in Food Engineering that is to be co-administered with the Food and Beverage Process chair. 

On the front of research and community services, the chair is actively engaged in interdisciplinary research projects, filling the Food Safety & Quality gaps of food product and process design & development. The chair administers three laboratories, namely the Food Chemistry & Analysis, Food Microbiology, and Food Research laboratories. Apart from supporting the teaching and research-related food-analytical services, the laboratories are often busy providing analytical services to the food industries of the region. The FQS chair is one of the chairs under Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, whose training services are highly sought by food process industries, food service providers, and postharvest storage & handling practitioners. Furthermore, because the issue of food quality and safety is highly diverse that shall be addressed, the chair is planning to extend its missions to various stakeholders by developing various tailor-made short course curricula.


  Applied Human Nutrition Chair




Mengsti Gizaw  

Applied Human Nutrition Chair



The Applied Human Nutrition Programme was established under the Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering, Bahir Dar University in 2013 to produce graduates in Human Nutrition both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The program was launched to respond to the high need for trained professionals in nutrition who can advocate the importance of nutrition starting from the community to regional and federal levels, and thus contribute in the fight against food and nutrition insecurity and the high prevalent malnutrition in the country.

In general, the programme was opened to address the following objectives:

  • Producing specialists trained in nutrition counseling at various levels to bring desired behavioral changes in the society.
  • Producing specialists in Human Nutrition who will be able to advice policy makers with regard to the nutrition situation in Ethiopia.  
  • Producing graduates who will tackle nutrition related problems to communities.
  • Producing graduates who have good skills to undertake research on various nutrition problems of the country.
  • Strengthening local, regional as well as international collaborations in nutrition training and research.

Graduates of the programme are supposed to serve as:

  • Leaders in the delivery of nutrition education programs for rural communities through the extension service or in conjunction with governmental and non-governmental organizations for community-based nutrition programs,
  • Project coordinators and managers in governmental and non-governmental organizations,
  • Researcher in research institutions,
  • Nutrition counsellors,
  • Nutritionists in health care centres and hospitals,
  • Heads of disaster prevention and preparedness sectors,
  • Community nutrition development project and program coordinators,
  • Food security program heads,
  • Teachers in governmental and non-governmental education and training centres. 

Staff and Students 

Currently, the department is running both BSc and MSc programs and is being run by a total of 21 staff members (3 Assistant Professors, 16 Lecturers and 2 Technical Assistants). The department has got one Nutrition Skill Laboratory which is active and being furnished for more service delivery. 


Postharvest Technology Chair

 Metadel Kassahun  (Ph.D)

Associate Professor 

Postharvest Technology Chair Holder



Postharvest Technology Chair:

Agriculture is the main stay of Ethiopia economy and at the national level it is considered as the vehicle for addressing food security problems. It has been reported that there is an increasing trend in food production, but there is high postharvest losses that is huge burden on food security.

To reduce the postharvest losses there is a huge need for the development of postharvest strategies and technologies in developing countries like Ethiopia. For understanding, adopting, developing and designing of postharvest technologies, there is a significant need of training, research knowledge and experience sharing.

The postharvest Technology chair was established under the Faculty of the Chemical and Food Engineering. The major goal and objective of the chair is to develop postharvest engineering and management professionals at different levels and technologies to reduce the postharvest losses in the field of Agriculture.


  • Food Processing
  • Food Analysis
  • Postharvest Technology
  • Food Process Control
  • Research Grade Laboratory

Networking and Collaboration

  • IUC Project with Belgian Universities (KU Leuven, UGent, VUB and UAntwerp).
  • Kansas state University, USA, Working on capacity building and in three projects.
  • BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria, Vienna.
  • The University of Greenwich, United Kingdom
  • Land o’lakes International Development Fund
  • World Food Preservation Center, U.S.A
  • Ministry of Science and Technology, Ethiopia
  • The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).
  • ________________________________________________________________________________

Chemical and Biotechnology Chair

Tesfaye Alamrew (PhD)

Asst. Prof. of Chemical Engineering Chemical and Biotechnology Chair Holder




Chemical and Biotechnology: Scope & Careers

Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology are a branch of applied biology and chemical engineering standards that includes the utilization of living things in engineering, technology, medicine, genetic engineering, cell and tissue culture technologies and various useful applications.

Biochemical engineering is a study based on living organisms with its application extending to all phases such as agriculture, industrial processing, medicine, energy, and environment. The course introduces the concepts of  microbiologybiochemistry, industrial microbiology, cell & molecular biology, enzyme technology, genetics, property estimation, bioinformatics engineering, phase equilibrium thermodynamics, industrial microbiology and enzyme technology to name a few.

Biochemical engineering discipline of science includes chemistry, biology, physics,mathematics, engineering and more. Its application varies in industries such as pharmaceuticals, food, chemical, textiles, medicine, bio-products, nutrition, animal sciences and environmental conservation. 

Biotechnology is an accumulation of consolidated technologies applied to living cells for production of a specific product or upgrading its quality. This might involve cultivation of plants and improvements through breeding, domestication of animals, artificial selection, and hybridization. Biotechnology integrates branches like molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, cell biology, & embryology which are in turn linked to practical specialties like information technology, chemical engineering, and robotics.

While pursuing biochemical engineering and biotechnology students are trained as to how the cells, organs and tissues function. Engineers are thought to transform cellular and molecular advances into technologies with an aim to improve the quality of life.

Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnological Career Prospects

Biotechnology and biochemical engineering are emerging fields and their demand for biochemical and biotechnical professionals have been growing these days. These fields are a mix of a variety of specializations. Those applicants who are specializing in these areas can get job opportunities in both, private sector and government sector.

Biochemical and Biotechnology industry provides great offers for biotech graduates for designing, developing and operating the processes for manufacturing of various high-value biotechnology products. These products involve biopharmaceuticals, vaccines, diagnostic proteins used in human healthcare & animal, detergents, enzymes for utilization in foods, and healthcare. Other products are fine chemicals, for example flavours, colorants, industrial chemicals, bio-plastics and biofuels such as ethanol. biochemical engineers and biotechnology are employed in the environmental sector for bioremediation and bio-treatment of various kinds of wastes. Also, various biochemical graduates and biotechnology work in the more traditional bio-industries like paper and pulp, food processing and meat, leather processing, and winemaking

Some of the career options for Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnological are:

Private jobs, research scientist, it jobs, drug and pharmaceutical research, biotechnologist, waste management, energy, environment control, bio-processing industries, food processing laboratories, chemicals, public funded.

The field of biotechnology is vast and covers a vast gamut of domains & among various profiles: microbiologist, epidemiologist, mining, healthcare, bioinformatics, biodegradable industry, biochemists chemical technicians, zoologist, biophysicist, quality analyst, quality control analyst, food safety analysts.
