Applied Human Nutrition

Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition
The Human Nutrition program envisage a national and international collaborative work in nutrition training, research and community nutrition education for the achievement of adequate nutrition security needed for enhancing the full genetic potential and the socio economic progress of the Ethiopian society. The students shall be educated to develop entrepreneurial skills, effective communication skills ,team work and management skills in addition to abilities in various areas of Human nutrition.The bachelor of science program in Human Nutrition aims at producing graduates who are well equipped with attitude, skill and basic knowledge inHumanNutrition,capable of integrating the gained knowledge and applying it fruitfully for the benefit of the society and the country with professional ethics in their mind and responsibilities in their related carrier practices or in doing research and development work.
The Applied Human Nutrition program was launched to respond to the high need for trained professionals in nutrition who can advocate the importance of nutrition starting from the community to regional and federal levels, and thus contribute in the fight against food and nutrition insecurity and the high prevalent malnutrition in the country. 
Objectives of the program
The study program is organized to:    
  • Train and produce professionals in the field of Human Nutrition        
  • Produce undergraduate students with concepts of nutrition and allied courses        
  • Produce professionals in Human Nutrition who will be able to coordinate nutrition projects, teach in different training centers like higher education and TVET centers       
  • Produce trained personnel for nutrition counseling at various levels      
  • Properly address the national nutrition problems and to promote the nutrition wellbeing of the country.
  • Provide community service in nutrition and related issues
  • Improve food security, and work on poverty reduction and life style of the society    
  • Assist basic and applied researches being undertaken in humannutrition and basic sciences
  • Reduce/ eliminate maternal, infant and child morbidity and mortality rate



Graduate Profie
Graduates of the program are supposed to serve as:
  • Leaders in the delivery of nutrition education programs for rural communities through the extension service or in conjunction with governmental and non-governmental organizations for community-based nutrition programs, 
  • Project coordinators and managers in governmental and non-governmental organizations,
  • As researcher in research institutions, 
  • Nutrition counsellors, 
  • Nutritionists in health care centres and hospitals,\
  • Heads of disaster prevention and preparedness sectors, 
  • Community nutrition development project and program coordinators,
  • Food security program heads,
  • Teachers in governmental and non-governmental education and training centres. 
Duration of the program
  • Four years
Medium of Instruction
  • English
Admission criteria
Applicants should achieve the minimum score on Ethiopian Higher Education Qualification Certificate Examination (EHEQCE) or equivalent which satisfies admission cut point to higher education set by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency. 
Annual intake
60 students
Tuition fee
(2020/21 rate)
Contact person
Mesfin Wogayehu, PhD.