Biochemical Engineering (PhD)
Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemical Engineering
The PhD program in Chemical Engineering is owned by Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering. Some of the research works could be collaborative under the auspices of research units such as research and community service V/president office of BDU, Biotechnology centre of BDU and research and community service of BiT or any other collaborators who have interest in the area of research already planned or to be planned together mainly those who have signed memorandum of agreement/understanding to work with BDU-BiT. The collaboration will be in engaging PhD students in any of the project of the research units, providing fund for research and in bringing different staffs BDU and other collaborating Universities and institutes together to serve as advisory committee for students.
This PhD curriculum/program is developed, mainly by taking into consideration the specific objectives of the institute that in turn makes its focus on the education and training policy of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) to train technically sound and professionally competent engineers, arm the local industries and academics, and contribute to global development issues. The curriculum is expected to provide students a lurching and strongbackground in Chemical Engineering with courses that enable the program to introduce world class processing and service of international repute and national standard. The curriculum is planned to launch a dynamic PhD program in different area/specializations of chemical engineering (Biochemical engineering) which gives options in flexibility of the training program and room for choices forstudents in some specific areas.
Objectives of the program
- To train professionals in the field of Biochemical Engineering , to cope with the emerging industrial need of the nation including biotechnology, green process engineering and energy conversion, minimize the loss of agricultural products, bio resources and natural resources.
- To conduct demand driven and problem solving research in Biochemical Engineering,.
- To provide industry driven services in different Biochemical Engineering areas.
- To render professional and technical consultancy / advice on matters pertaining to Biochemical Engineering
- To produce highly skilled professionals with the knowledge and attitude necessary for Biochemical Engineering research.
- To generate technologies through demand driven and problem solving research in the areas of Biochemical Engineering.
- To disseminate generated/adopted technologies to potential users.
- To undertake collaborative researches with various national/regional and international institutions/non-governmental organizations.
- Graduate profile
The PhD graduates will be equipped with the knowledge, skill and attitude needed in cIndustrial and Environmental Biotechnology with . The graduates will be involved in:
- Academic institutions
- Research centers and institutions
- Industrial sector
- Professional training sectors
- Service providing and product developing organizations
- Quality control and safety inspection sector
- Policy advising and consultancy services
- Entrepreneurship
Duration of the program
Three to Five years
Medium of Instruction
Admission criteria
- MSc Degree or equivalent in related fields which is to be decided by FGC from a recognizedi nstitution.An applicant with MScdegrees in non-chemica lengineering fields, but very close background to the proposed specializationmay have to attend somegraduate courses recommended the advisory committee and through special admissionpolicy of BDU to fulfill the prerequisites of the PhD courses. Because of this, they mayrequiremore time tocomplete the PhD program.
- PhD by Research candidates should demonstrate a strong academic and (i.e. at least 2 publication) including having the ability to independently pursue the research of interest in a scientific manner.
- The Faculty may give a written qualifying examination and an obligatory interview inconsultation with thea dvisors.The Faculty Graduate Committees (FGC) with in the faculty will conduct the evaluation as well as thei nterview.Refer the BDU legislation and BiT PhD guideline about FGC.
- Candidatesareexpected tosubmittworecommendationletters onastatementofinterest/motivation,and aresearchconcept note for the PhD program.
- The assessment of admission is made by the FGC, endorsed by the faculty academic commission and approved by thei nstitute counsel of graduate studies (GSC).
- Candidates must also meet the general application and graduate admission policy of Bahir Dar University and Bahir Dar Institute of Technology.
Annual intake
5 students
Tuition fee
(2020/21 rate)
Contact person
Metadel Kassahun (PhD, Assoc. Professor).
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