Mechanical Unit Operation Laboratory
Mechanical Unit Operation Labaratory
Transmitted Light Microscope
Used to analysis the size of very fine particles.
Screen Analysis
Used to determine particle-size distribution before and after grinding and to characterize the particles in terms oftheir mean diameter.
Jaw Crusher
Uses compressive force for breaking of hard particle.
Disk Mill
used for grinding and to change hard material into soft.
Batch Sedimentation study Apparatus
Used to determine the effect of initial concentration on sedimentation and to critical velocity of the particle in each sedimentation jar by constructing a settling curve.
ContinuousSedimentation Apparatus
Used to determine the settling efficiency with &withoutbaffleandtounderstandtheeffectofbafflelocation on sedimentation efficiency
Fluid Mixing Apparatus
Used to observe how different types of impellerturning at different speeds influence the rate ofdispersionofsolids mixesthroughouttheliquid.