

Research and projects

Research areas in the faculty include but not limited to:

• process intensification and raw material substitution

• energy production and utilization

• product design and development

• packaging

• waste valorisation

• human nutrition

• Optimization of fermentation processes,

• Food process engineering and food biotechnology

• Environmental biotechnology and engineering, Biologicalwastewater treatment

• Food safety and Quality

Some of the researches and projects conducted in the faculty includes :

1. Food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries development institute of Ethiopia...Indigenous practices of Injera Preparation, Preservation and Consumption Trends in Amhara Region, Ethiopia.

2. Value addition and Promotion of Finger Millet and Its Products: This research project is an international project where the fund is obtained from The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Fund (SDGF).

3.Reduction of post-harvest losses of maize grain through integrated post-harvest management strategies (artificial drying, mechanical threshing and different storage techniques) (USAID through University of Kansas)

4. MillNETi (stands for Millets and Nutritional Enhancement traits for iron Bioavailability. Focus on Millet processing: fermentation and preparation of food stuffs to maximize iron availability of the project. (university of Cambridge)

5. Sustainable Energy and Entrepreneurship in Global South which is a collaborative capacity building project with Technical University of Munich, Germany and funded by DAAD

6. Ec0-Engineering for Agricultural Revitalization towards Improvement of Human Nutrition: Development of nutrient and energy recovery techniques from water hyacinth with Soka University, Japan

7.Capacity Building in Integrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for ONE HEALTH (WASH4ONEHEALTH). Elias 7,399, 936.00 Norwegian kroner (NOK). NORPART

8.Twinning Project between Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University, and Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Industry Development Institute
(FBPIDI) (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia).The Project was entered into a tweening agreement in April 2011 E.C and following that agreement the project has been implemented since  September 2012 E.C. Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering was one part of the project in which it's currently teaching 6 MSc students who are staffs of the FBPIDI. In addition, the faculty is delivering short-term training for the staff members of the company.
Implementation of a Mega Research Project
One of the activities agreed on between the two institutes is conducting a collaborative mega research project. Accordingly, both Institutes contributed a research topic and one area which was proposed by the BiT team was selected. The final topic selection was made through a meeting between the twinning team and representatives from FBPIDI at BiT campus.
Accordingly, a megaproject entitled “"Indigenous practices of Injera Preparation, Preservation and Consumption Trends in Amhara Region, Ethiopia" was designed
and entered into action as of October/2013E.C. with the following eight sub-themes:

Assessment of injera preparation techniques and consumption trends in different parts of the Amhara region.
Identification, isolation, and development in Injera starter culture. 
Optimization of Teff/Cereal/Legume blend flour injera making.
Development of appropriate injera preservation techniques.
Design and development of injera packing and storage technology.
Optimization of fermentation kinetics in injera making.
Design and development of automated injera processing technology. 

 Research Projects
Project Title
Participants/ Members


Formulation and Development of Nutritious Bread from a Mixture of Wheat, Teff and Lupin
Badasa Rata (PI)
Abulu Waga
Dr. Admasu Fanta
Dr. Mesfin Wogayehu
Assessment of Quality loss, Mycotoxin and Their Contributing Factors along the Value Chains of Hot Pepper (Capsicum Species) in  Wenberma District, West Gojjam Zone of Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Genenu Alemu (PI)
Abebaw Ayele
Dr. Neela Satheesh 
Effect of Samma Leaves Flour Fortification on Nutritional Quality and Acceptability of Wheat Bread
Abebaw Teshome (PI)
Getnet Mekuria
Abebaw Ayele
Investigation of the Agricultural Production, Effects of Processing and Intended Use of  Kale in Amhara Region, Northwest Ethiopia
Dr. Mesfin Wogayehu (PI)
Degnet Teferi
Abebaw Teshome
Adonia Damtew
Minwuyelet Jembere
On Progress
Assessing the Impact of Traditional Processing Methods on Fish Nutrition and Marketing, and Optimizing Some of the Processing Methods in Lake Tana Fishery, Ethiopia
Minwyelet Mingist (PI)
Banchiamlak Getnet
Hirut Geremew
Solomon Birie
On Progress