Food Technology

Masters of Science in Food Technology
The objective of Food Technology and Process Engineering (now renamed as Food Engineering) up to now was to educate trainable, broad based Food Technologists who can fit in the different application areas in the Food and Beverage Industries. This has been realized through the under-graduate curriculum both earlier and in the currently revised curriculum. The undergraduate program of Food Technology and Process EngineeringDepartment produces Food Technologist & Process Engineers who have broad knowledge through its five year programs.This training gives the students such a broad background that they can fit in different sections demanding the professionals in the areas of Food Processing,Beverage processing, Microbial Industry, Design of new products, Pharmacology,Biotechnology … etc.  But with the development of manufacturing sector and the expansion of both public and private engineering and food institutions in the country, deeper knowledge ofvarious branches of Food Technologists and Food Process Engineers are required along with other disciplines to play a leading role in the development of acountry.
Therefore, as a step towards meeting this demand, the department would like to upgrade thelevel of training to MSc to produce required Food Technologists, Food Engineers…etc. The requirement for engineers who can engage themselves in academic and industrial sector in areas of research, innovation and development and engineering administration is well considered. The existence of other Universities than Bahir Dar University like Haramaya, Hawassa, Addis Ababa, Mekele,Jimma, Jigjiga, Wolega, Dilla, Arba Minchi and Debre Birhan Universities the number of professional graduates from all these Universities per annum is expected to rise shortly.With the increasing number of graduates in Food Technology and Food process engineering,it is becoming inevitable that many shall be seeking higher education at graduate and research level. In addition, many practicing engineers and teaching staff in the ranks of Graduate Assistants and Assistant Lecturers at the various Universities are seeking admission to Graduate Programs.
Hence, the Department is convinced that it is necessary to offer graduate programs in different areas of industrial applications in order to provide opportunity to the eligible graduates to upgrade themselves. In addition, it is the imperative duty of the Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology on its part to start graduate and research programs during the ongoing process of academic development

Objectives of the Program

 The objective of the program is to provide broad-based education and training in Food Technology and its applications leading to a Master of Science Degree in Food Technology, to enable graduates to meet the challenges of the profession in a rapidly changing environment that exists in a developing country. The specific training objectives can be summarized as follows.

  • To produce Graduates with full professional competence in different fields of Food Technology who can participate in the national development activities 
  •  Provide high quality training in the broad areas of food technology
  • Assist creations of centers of excellence in Food Technology in different higher learning institutes
  • Create favorable condition to conduct demand driven food technology research and training in the country 
  • To carry out research in the areas of food engineering, product design and development,  and manufacturing, that are relevant to the needs of the country;
  • To render consultancy services to the community.
  • To provide research and development skills.
  • To engage students in high level research through thesis that offers optimal solutions to technical problems in the food industry sectors.
  • To prepare students for career opportunities in public and private services.
  • To provide research and development skills.
  • To engage students in high level research through thesis that offers optimal solutions to technical problems in the food industry sectors.
  • To prepare students for career opportunities in public and private services.

Graduate Profile

Worldwide, the Food Technology & Process Engineering profession has several specializations because of its very wide nature. Considering the immediate requirements of the country and the capabilities of the University, the Food Technologists/ Engineers can specialize in any one of the thematic areas. Graduates with an MSc degree in food technology are expected to have the following competencies:-

  •  Comprehend advanced concepts of food technology including an in-depth understanding of conceptual, theoretical, and practical aspects of the discipline
  •  Master and perform fundamental techniques of food technology
  •  Conduct researches in beverage, dairy, cereals, legumes, milling, extrusion, fruits and vegetables, meat, fish and poultry and other thematic areas of food
  •  Apply food technology principles and methods for innovation of new animal, plant and microbial products and services
  • Adapt existing technologies developed elsewhere and use it for sustainable utilization of the country’s natural resources through the application of food technology tools
  • Identify relevant problems in industries and other  sectors and find solutions by applying food technological knowledge
  •  Write scientific papers, reports, policy briefs and presentations for the dissemination of scientific knowledge and information on food technolog                                                              
Duration of the program
  • Two years
Medium of Instruction
  • English
Admission criteria
In addition to the requirements set by the school of graduate studies, to be admitted in food technology MSc program the applicant must have a bachelor of science (BSc) degree from a recognized institutions of higher education in food technology and process engineering, food engineering, food science and post-harvest technology or any related fields of science and engineering.
Annual intake
25 students
Tuition fee
(2020/21 rate)
Contact person
Sadik Jemal (Asst. Professor)