Food Safety and Quality

Masters of Science in Food Safety and Quality
The master program in Food safety and quality will play a key role in managing foods safety and quality in a need food manufacturing company. The course is essential to the successes of all food manufacturing companies and critical for Ethiopia’s economic success because the food manufacturers need absolute confidence in the safety and quality of their products. Food companies have a growing need for expertise in food safety and quality at national and international level. The program provides practical skills and in depth knowledge to enable you to manage problems in food manufacturing and develop preventive tools designed to provide confidence in the quality and safety of the foods. 

Objectives of the Program

  • To produce Graduates with full professional competence in different aspects of Food quality and safety who can participate in the national development activities 
  •  To carry out research in the areas of food product quality and safety that are relevant to the needs of the country;
  •   To render consultancy services to the community.
  •  To provide research and development skills.
  • To engage students in high level research through thesis tha toffers optimal solutions to qualitya nd safety problems in the food industry sectors.
  • To prepare students for career opportunities in public and private services.

                                                                             Graduate Profile

With a Master’s degree in Food quality and safety one acquires the following skills and competences:-

  •   Be able to manage physical,chemical and biological hazards in the work place to protect workers
  • Be able to prepare the food industry foritstrace ability in case of food poisoning incident
  • know how to recognize, prevent and alleviate hazards associated with food handling at once employed firms
  • Know how to protec tcustomers from food-born eillness
  • Be able to train employees in food safety
  • Ensure transparency and safety in the food supply chain, for example, checking that all deliveries from suppliers are safe and stored correctly
  • Be capable to serve as a point of contact for national & local government organization
  • have a Statement of Attainment from a registered training organization (RTO) that shows they have the required food safety competencies,and skills
  • Acquires knowledge to teach at a university or carry out research in the research center
  • Acquire a skill that makes product qualitymanager in the food industry
Duration of the program
  • Two years
Medium of Instruction
  • English
Admission criteria
In addition to the requirements set by the school of graduate studies, to be admitted in food technology Msc program the applicant must have a bachelor of science (BSc) degree from a recognized institutions of higher education in food technology and process engineering, food engineering, food science and post-harvest technology or any related fields of science and engineering.
Annual intake
25 students
Tuition fee
(2020/21 rate)
Contact person
Admasu Fenta (PhD, Assoc. professor).