Local Partners

CountryName of Partner InstitutionAffiliated Academic Unit at BDUAddress of Partner InstitutionSigned onArea of Engagement/ Scope of PartnershipRemark
EthiopiaF.D.R.E Ministry of HealthCollege of Medicine and Health Sciences    
Cure International Hospital, EthiopiaCollege of Medicine and Health Scienceshttps://cure.org/ND  
Engender Health InternationalCollege of Medicine and Health Scienceshttps://www.engenderhealth.org/ND  
Jhpiego EthiopiaCollege of Medicine and Health Sciences ND  
Amhara Public Health Institute (APHI)College of Medicine and Health Sciences ND  
Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI)College of Medicine and Health Sciences ND  
Ethiopian Medical Association (EMA)College of Medicine and Health Sciences ND  
Ethiopian Nurses Association (ENA)College of Medicine and Health Sciences ND  
Alemtsehay Breast Cancer Foundation (ABCF)College of Medicine and Health Sciences ND  
Armauer Hansen Research InstituteCollege of Medicine and Health Sciences ND  
UNICEF Ethiopia-SBC ProgramCollege of Medicine and Health Sciences ND  
Internationa Institute FOR Primary Health Care Ethiopia (IPHC-E)College of Medicine and Health Sciences ND  
Hamlin Fistula EthiopiaCollege of Medicine and Health Sciences ND  
Bahir Dar Textile Share companyEthiopian Institute of Fashion Design Technology (EiTEX)https://bahirdartextilesc.com/NDResearch and consultancy, training, student internship 
Bahir Dar TanneryEthiopian Institute of Fashion Design Technology (EiTEX)https://www.bahirdartannery.com/NDInternship, research and consultancy, TT. 
Dridewa UniversityEthiopian Institute of Fashion Design Technology (EiTEX)www.ddu.edu.etNDJoint efforts to organize training programs, conduct research and development activities and render technical and consultancy service in the textile fashion and garment products sectors. 
Bahir Dar TVET College and Bahir Dar City Small Scale Enterprises  Ethiopian Institute of Fashion Design Technology (EiTEX)???NDGive practical training for selected EiTEX B.Sc. student/s (EiTEX may give such chance for a student/s in competitive basis) in summer or weekend. 
Federal Technical and vocational education and training institute (ETU)Ethiopian Institute of Fashion Design Technology (EiTEX)???NDImitate knowledge sharing platform, co-program development, joint research 
MoST [Ministry of Science and Technology]    Ethiopian Institute of Fashion Design Technology (EiTEX)https://mint.gov.et/NDDevelop a business proposal for local and foreign investors. 
Ethiopian Cotton producers Ginners  and Exporters AssociationEthiopian Institute of Fashion Design Technology (EiTEX)???NDJoint projects, education, training, workshops, Conference and seminars 
PPESA [Privatization and Public enterprises’ supervisory agency] Ethiopian Institute of Fashion Design Technology (EiTEX)http://www.ppesa.gov.et/NDShort and long term training, Joint research, joint workshops, seminars 
Chemical and Construction Industry Development Institute Bahir Dar Institute of Technology  ND  
የአብክመ ሲቨል ሰርቪስ ቢሮGeneral September 1, 2010የድህረ ምረቃ ትምህርት ለማሰጠትUnlimited
Human BridgeCollege of Medicine and Health Sciences 27 January,  2017To improve the quality of health care service in Finote selam, Injibra, Merawi, Adet, Abay mado, Felege Hiwot, and Chagni Hospitals through co- operation with the chartable organization Human Bridge of Sweden, 
Felege Hiwot Referal HospitalCollege of Medicine and Health Scienceshttps://www.moh.gov.et/site/Amhara_Regional_Health_BureauAugust 9, 2018Health service  delivery and teaching 
Ethiopian Society of Obstetricians and GynecologistsCollege of Medicine and Health Sciences    
University of Gondar, College of Medicine and Health SciencesCollege of Medicine and Health Sciences    
Organization for Social Service, Health and Development- OSSHDGeneralhttp://osshd-ethiopia.org/January 1, 2019It is to empower students to bring social and behavioral change against SGBV and SRH problems and also to enhance the university’s capacity so as to be able to respond to any form of SGBV and working together as partners to achieve the prime objects of the program. 
Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Industry Development Institute Bahir Dar Institute of Technology  April 1, 2019  
SOKA University and Injibara UniversityCollege of Agriculture and Environmental Sciencehttps://www.soka.ac.jp/en/February 22, 2019Plankton Eco-engineering for Environmental and Economic Transformation  (Plane3T) ProjectTripartite
Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU)General October 1, 2019Capacity development programs
HOPE-Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (HOPE-SBH)College of Medicine and Health Sciences September 1, 2020  
Cure International Inc. College of Medicine and Health Scienceshttps://cure.orgSeptember 1, 2020  
Jigjiga UniversityGeneral October 24, 2020Launching dual postgraduate programs
Joint research and development projects
Joint conference and workshops
Visit of professors/scholars
Knowledge and experience sharing
Institutional capacity building
Student exchange
ሶማሌ ክልል መንግስት ማኔጅመንትና ፐብሊክ ሰርቪስ ኮሌጅGeneral November 1, 2020  
Teach for EthiopiaGeneral December 1, 2020Teach For Ethiopia and Bahir Dar University have a shared vision in terms of developing passionate and qualified young leaders who are willing and able to expand educational opportunity to students in Bahir Dar as well as all children in Ethiopia. 
Operation Eye Sight Universal + Partners in Education Ethiopia (Partners)College of Medicine and Health Sciences December 1, 2020 Tripartite
ANRS Industry Parks Development Corporation Bahir Dar Institute of Technologyhttps://www.ipdc.gov.et December 1, 2020  
Beles Sugar Development ProjectGeneral January 1, 2021This MoU reflects the Parties’ sincere and genuine intentions to collaborate in specific activities set out herein pertaining to the areas of Research, design and development, technology transfer, innovation, modification and commercialization of various technologies in capacity building, human resource development, ICT development, and associated technological areas. 
Ethiopian National Archives And Library AgencyFaculty of Humanitieswww.nala.gov.etFebruary 1, 2021Joint research
Joint training
Exchange of Experts
Joint Conferences and Seminars
Exchange of Manuscript Copies
Exchange of academic material and publication
Construction Works Regulatory Authority Bahir Dar Institute of Technology  April 1, 2021  
Ethiopian Roads AuthorityGeneral May 1, 2021  
Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association (EHPEA)College of Agriculture and Environmental Scienceswww.ehpea.orgMay 1, 2021The areas of collaborations include but not limited in capacity building, collaborative researches and grant securing, adoption, demonstration, multiplication and dissemination of technologies for improved horticulture sector.  
በውሃ፣መስኖና ኢነርጂ ሚኒስቴር /ተፋሰሶች ልማት ባለስልጣን/፣ በአባይ ተፋሰስ ውስጥ ባሉ  የክልል ግብርና ቢሮ እና በአባይ ተፋሰስ ውስጥ ባሉ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች  መካከል የአባይ ተፋሰስን በቅንጅት ለማልማት የተደረገ የመግባቢያ ስምምነትGeneral July 1, 2021ይህ የመግባቢያ ሰነድ የተፋሰሶች ልማት ባለስልጣን በ2014 በጀት ዓመት ጀምሮ  በአባይ ተፋሰስ ውስጥ የተቀናጀ የውሃ ሀብት ልማት፣ እንከብካቤ እና አጠቃቀምን ለማስፈን በተፋሰሱ ውስጥ ባሉ ባለድርሻ አካላት እና ተቋማት ጋር በመቀናጀት እና በመተባበር ለመስራት የስራ ድርሻ እና ኃላፊነት ለመወሰን የተደረገ ስምምነት ነው፡፡ 
Mihret Medical Supply Group, Inc.General August 1, 2021This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is made and entered into as of this 12th day of August in the year 2021, by and between Mihret Medical Supply Group, Inc. and Bahir Dar University 
Transparency InternationalGeneral October 1, 2021The overall objective of the project is enhanced participation of actors for transparency and accountability of institutions to support the fight against corruption and promote democratic governance and rule of law in Addis Ababa, Adama, Bahir Dar, Hawassa, Mekele, Assosa, Semera, Jigjiga, and Gambella. 
Kuhne Foundation + Elias Melake Foundation (EMF) + EMGCollege of Business and Economicshttps://emfethiopia.com/October 25, 2021Curricula Consultancy (Curricula review and development)
Train-the-Trainer course, regionally and internationally,
International co-supervision for locally enrolled PhD candidates,
International collaboration such as participation in conferences, guest lecturing,
Support courses (English language, job readiness),
Field trips and internship program 
International Livestock Research InstituteCollege of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences 23 December, 2021The Parties’ Main Objective under this MoU is to establish a long-term relationship for purposes of exploring their complementary research, institutional development and capacity building skills to further their respective missions 
Mamay GroupGeneral May 1, 2022Jointly demonstrate new agricultural mechanization equipment that will benefit the local farmers 
Provide trainings on agriculture mechanization  
Conduct joint research on mechanization and technology transfer projects 
Provide machinery supply and maintenance services 
Prepare seminars and forums upon mutually agreed topics 
Share experiences on agricultural mechanization   
Conduct other activities as will be mutually agreed.
The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of WomenFaculty of Social Sciences August 1, 2022a) Strengthen the human resource and necessary facilities of the TLGE training center with infrastructure and technologies required to make it well functioning, accessible and gender friendly space; 
b) Develop curriculum and training modules on Women Political Leadership and Empowerment based on the training need assessment conducted by BDU Women Political Empowerment (WPE) Curriculum Development committee;
c)  Expand the pool of qualified training facilitators and standard training materials on TLGE and other training curriculums that are expected to be delivered by the TLGE training center by supporting curriculum and training material development and review interventions;
d) Organize successive capacity building trainings in line with the training curriculums; set up a functional trainees database, training center webpage, monitoring and impact assessment mechanism to gauge change overtime;
e) Conduct knowledge generation activities related to the work of the training center to ensure delivery of training is evidence and need based;
f) Undertake joint resource mobilization activities and come up with innovative strategies to promote sustainability and self-sufficiency of the training center;
g) Conduct other necessary undertakings to strengthen the training center and ensure its sustainability;
Amhara National Regional State Bureau of Women, Children and Social Affair (BoWCSA)Popularization of Science, Technology and Innovation;
Building digital and creative economy;
Development of smart cities;
Support GoE’s good governance effort through digital government initiatives;
Building innovation ecosystem;
Research and development;
Working on prioritized areas of emerging technologies;
Creating national capacity for a special digital literacy campaign capitalizing the increasing trend of use of social media and telecom services penetration at national level;
Engaging in the Science, Technology and Innovation council, advisory committee, policy formulation, strategy development and planning;
Preparing thematic concept notes for flagship national projects to be championed by MInT and BDU;
Mobilizing resources from external (development and implementing partners) and domestic sources (treasury, insurance, innovative approach);
Capacity building including but not limited to education, training, facilities support, benchmarking and experience sharing,
The cooperation between the parties may be extended to other areas not mentioned above and subject to mutual understanding between the parties.
Ministry of Innovation and Technology(MINT)Bahir Dar Institute of Technologyhttps://mint.gov.et February 1, 2022  
MENKIR Consulting [Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering]Bahir Dar Institute of Technology February 1, 2022Joint strategic plan development
Development and implementation of curriculum for aerospace and aeronautical engineering
Establishment of Bahir Dar Aerospace Institute
Joint teaching activities
Joint research activities
Kombolcha Steel Products IndustryBahir Dar Institute of Technology  March 1, 2022  
MINAB IT solutionsBahir Dar Institute of Technology https://www.minabtech.com/ April 1, 2022  
Tis Isat Water WorksBahir Dar Institute of Technology April 1, 2022  
Ethiopian Radiation Protection AuthorityBahir Dar Institute of Technology  August 1, 2022  
Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP)General September 1, 2022To boost and enhance higher education training and product development through research, training, innovation, technological development and capacity building in the areas of mutual interest.
To provide a framework for collaborative staff development program especially for PhD study in power systems and energy. 
To provide an instrument and test-bed laboratories for establishing various collaborative initiatives for the growth and mutual benefits of the two institutions.
To enhance professional skills of staff in all the institutions through training, joint research ventures, staff exchanges, seminar, workshop, curricula development and review, staff and students’ interactions and exchange of experiences and information.
To establish joint research centres related to power systems and energy
To encourage any other activities that the parties agree to be of mutual benefits.
Institute of Foreign AffairsGeneral  November 1, 2022For the exchange of internship and fellowship around most relevant areas of expertise,
Share publications and  exchange of knowledge and experience,
Cooperate in organizing short term trainings, seminars, and discussion forums entitled by either of the partners.
Conducting joint research on boundary, public diplomacy, hydro diplomacy, and migration.    
Further maximization of capacity building opportunities in the form of scholarships, and graduate and post graduate programs will be effected.
Facilitating the staff exchanges for trainings, research findings presentations, etc. in selected areas of Social Science disciplines such as:- Political Science and International Relations, Peace and Security Studies, Law and Governance, the Middle-East and Asia Affairs studies etc.
To search for financial resources by designing relevant joint projects to enhance the common or mutual researches in different fields.
To share research publications accepted straight forward and need to be interconnected by the proper platforms such as open-source platform infrastructure created for such purposes,
Conducting trouble shooting researches in areas of interest of both sides.
USAID: Professionalization and Response Leadership ActivityInstituute of Disaster Risk Management and Food Seccurity Studieshttps://www.bdu.edu.et/rla/July 27, 2022Internship Program and Capacity building training on DRM-PYL activities 
WFP: (R4 , Rural Resilience)Instituute of Disaster Risk Management and Food Seccurity Studies July 29, 2020Research and Capacity Strengthening 
EU-Strengthening Decentralization of DRM in Ethiopia, ProjectInstitute of Disaster Risk Management and Food Seccurity Studieshttps://ec.europa.eu/trustfundforafrica/region/horn-africa/ethiopia/decentralisation-disaster-risk-management-ethiopia_enMay, 2021Research and Training 
Ethiopian Technology AuthorityBahir Dar Institute of Technology 2023General 
Amhara Livestock and Fisheries Development Agency College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences 2023General 
Brooke Ethiopia General 2023General 
ANRS Plan and Development BureauGeneral 2023General 
Health and Wholeness Ethiopia (HAWE)General Dec-23General 
ANRS Bureau of Water and EnergyBahir Dar Institute of Technology  Industry/ Agency 
ANRS Science and Technology CommissionBahir Dar Institute of Technology  Industry/ Agency 
ANRS Education BureauBahir Dar Institute of Technology    
ANRS Industry and Investment BureauBahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Amhara Regional Health Bureau (ARHB)Bahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Lihiket Design and Supervision Corporation (LDSC)Bahir Dar Institute of Technology    
ANRS Environment and Forest Protection AuthorityBahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Amhara Bureau of Revenue (ABOR)Bahir Dar Institute of Technology    
ANRS Labor and Training BureauBahir Dar Institute of Technology    
ANRS Transport & Logistics AuthorityBahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Amhara National Regional State Trade and Market Development Bureau (ANRS TMDB)Bahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Alibaba.com Singapore E-Commerce Private LimitedBahir Dar Institute of Technology    
The Talent FirmBahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Amhara Metal Industry and Machine Technology Development (AMMITDE)Bahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE) of FDREBahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Info Mind Solutions PLC (Dereja. Com)Bahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Ethiopian Urban Water and Sanitation Services Federation (EUWSSF)Bahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Millennium Water Alliance-EthiopiaBahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Kombolcha Steel Products Industry (KoSPI) PLCBahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Tis Isat Water Works PLCBahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Minab IT Solution PLC (HaHuJobsTM)Bahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Burie Poly Technic College (BPTC)Bahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Construction Management Institute (CMI)Bahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Ethio ClicksBahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Youth Green Forum in Amhara RegionBahir Dar Institute of Technology    
Safaricom EthiopiaBahir Dar Institute of Technology    
IBA Ethiopia Center for InnovationBahir Dar Institute of Technology    
AFRICAN MOSIAIQUE ENTERPRISE (AME)Ethiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
AMHARA INDUSTRY AND INVESTMENT BUREAUEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
AMHARA NATIONAL REGIONAL STATE LABOUR AND TRANINING BUREAUEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
ANRS CULTURE AND TURISM BUREAUEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
ARTS TVEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
ASSOSA UNIVERSITYEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
BAHIR DAR TANNERYEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
BECONNECTED INDUSTRIALEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
BAHIR DAR TEXTILE SHARE COMPANY (BDTSC)Ethiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
CBA GARMENTEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
DUNAMIS SOCIALL ENTERPRENEURS PLCEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
ENTOTO POLYTECHNIC COLLEGEEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
ETHIOPIAN ACCREDITATION SERVIVE (EAS)Ethiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
ETHIOPIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITYEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
ETHIOTECHEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
ETHIOPIAN TEXTILE INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (ETIDI)Ethiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
LEATHER INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (LIDI)Ethiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
LOYAL TIRET TEXTILE PLCEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
MERHA TRANSIT PLC AND GARMENT FACTORYEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
MARY HELP COLLEGE SALESIAN SISTERSEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
MIHRET MEDICAL SUPPLY GROUP, INCEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
MIZAN TEPI UNIVERSITY (MTU)Ethiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
NIGAT CORPORATEEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
WARKA LEATHER PRODUCTSEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
ZENBABA PRINTING AND PROMOTION PLCEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
ZINAR LEATHER PRODUCTSEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
Bahir Dar TanneryEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
DOLMEL CompanyEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
Ministry of Industry Development Institute (MIDI) Ethiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
Mafi Mafi DesignEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
Amen GarmentEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
Hawassa Industry Park Investors Association (HIPIA)Ethiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
SOLIDARIDAD ETHIOPIAEthiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)    
Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI)Ethiopian Textile and Fashion Technology Institute (EiTEX)