Achievement of the KTTO
Achievements of KTTO, New
Knowledge and technology transfer wing of RCS is carrying out its activities to achieve its objective of translating into end use application of the knowledge base obtained from Bahir Dar university, adopted from other knowledge sources or indigenous know how to be commercialized after incorporating some innovative improvements.
The university staffs have been actively participating in the following knowledge and technology transfer activities aiming for a visible outcome in livelihood and lifestyle improvements of targeted users in Bahir Dar and in the model rural village the university is intervening to tackle poor livelihood and bring about behavioral change for better lifestyle.
Commercializable projects
Name of project
Brief Description
Hand Operated Sock knitting Machine
In this project manually operated circular sock knitting machine was designed and produced at Bahir Dar University’s Institute of Technology for Textile, Garment and Fashion Design. The use of the machine has various advantages. Its comparative lower cost of production, use of local yarn to produce socks and simple operation makes it the right investment for low income people especially women and disabled citizens.
Development and utilization of the machine, after mass production, could contribute significantly in substituting imports of socks and related machines. For skilled operator, the machine can produce a pair of socks within 15 minutes
Construction and performance evaluation of jacketed Kettle for tomato paste production
Aimed at enhancing effective post harvest and value added utilization of tomato thereby creating job opportunity for local manufacturers and small scale food processors
Tomato paste is one of the most important ingredients utilized in daily food consumption. However convenient products like tomato paste are imported despite excess seasonal production. Availability of processing equipments is among the major bottlenecks for the necessary value addition
This locally manufactured tomato paste maker would create jobs for different segments of the population across the value chain from farmers to processors
Handloom Improvement
Improving the technology will improve the quality of the product and make traditional weaving more profitable.
The project aims at improving the existing handlooms considering the following key improvement targets
- Redesign of Esu Flying hand loom with some improvement of let off motion, take of motion and the bench design to reduce ergonomics problems of the weaver
- Analyze the performance of improved Esu Flying Hand Loom package with respect to the existing hand loom by experience weavers.
- Manufacture modified hand loom with standard material as a model for hand loom cluster for the benefit of micro and small enterprises
- Produce “Fash and Tibeb” with this new modified hand loom by making some improvement.
Bench-top Edible Oil Expelling Machine
Adoptive research of the design, manufacturing and performance evaluation of a table top high value low volume edible/medicinal oil expeller has been started in 2012 in Bahir Dar University Institute of Technology.
A prototype of the machine has been manufactured already and its operation performance has been tested to be very promising. For optimal performance and effectiveness, further adjustment is being carried out now and it is expected to be ready for transfer and mass production as of April, 2014.
The technology will not only open job opportunity but also is an ideal choice for production and further research of health promoting virgin/cold pressed edible oils from various high value local oilseeds.
Amharic VCD on basic Computer Skills
Amharic VCD is a video tutorial for Basic Computer Skills prepared in Amharic language with full motion video along with high quality audio. Trainees can watch the tutorial and learn by using their DVD player
GPS-GPRS Based Real-Time Vehicle Tracking and Management System for BDU
Bahir Dar University possesses a lot of vehicles that are being used in the university and none of these vehicles have an accurate controlling and monitoring system. Thus, they are prone to misuses in mileage and abused fuel usage that impart unnecessary cost.
This project is therefore running with a general objective of designing and implementing GPS/GPRS based real Time Tracking system for BDU.
Design and Implementation of Smart solar energy based drip irrigation system
In this project, a system that uses sensor networks for real time controlled drip irrigation solution, remote controlled water pumping techniques, and real time monitoring of the water content of soil that is entirely powered by solar energy will be designed and tested. The task of growing agricultural products in a ‘water deprived’ environments and horticultural activities can be inefficient when managed by a human entity. The drawback of such manual controlled activities ranges from unnecessary human attendee to wasteful usage of water resources and uncontrolled provisioning of inputs to the items cultivated.
As a solution, this project will develop a system that monitors the environmental conditions such as humidity and temperature using sensor networks that helps in decision making as to what and when to provide water to the soil that hosts plants. The sensors will communicate with a central base station, where data are analyzed and decisions are made, using wireless networks. The central station shall process that data and activate water pumps and outlet valves to release or withhold water. The system will deploy efficient energy management by using electrical power from solar panels. A prototype model shall be designed and build on selected ground plots. Thus, we can obtain energy efficient and controlled water supply irrigation system
Design and Implementation of Community Based FM Broadcasting Station for BDU
Apart from the university website, which couldn’t be accessed by every member of the city, and university community due to unavailability of sufficient personal computers, the university and clubs in it do not have any means to announce their relevant information rather than posting them on the notice board. Further, the university has not any easier means to introduce its activities to the community
This FM radio station will go a long way in reaching out to the community in the campus and outside with program content that shall be of interest to the audience. The community would thus get largely benefited and find itself more involved in the happenings within the campus in the areas of education, health, sports, entertainment, university debates, seminars, workshops, cultural events etc
The main objective of this project is thus to design and implement community based FM broadcasting system for Bahir Dar University
Improved technologies for rural model village (Kollela)
Name of project
Brief Description
Construction of Small Low Coast Indirect Passive Solar Drier
Size reduction and dehydration in the shade at a faster rate than ambient sun drying is of great importance to ensure year round utilization and effectively minimizing post harvest loss. In addition, the product is dried under the shade without direct solar radiation so that nutrients and phytochemicals are protected from UV degradation.
To demonstrate innovative approaches to enhance livelihood opportunities of poor through transfer of technology and utilization of solar dryer in villages around Bahir Dar
Improving and Commercialization of Ethiopian Indigenous Food and Beverage Products:
Tela Difdif (Unfiltered Fermented Mash) and Metata-Ayib
These indigenous products are highly acceptable products and have been practiced and continuously improved and developed through thousands of years. Due to lack of standardized processes and appropriate packaging, they are not yet commercialized despite high acceptance by urban consumers and potentially Ethiopian diasporas.
This project aims at improving for commercializing of indigenous Tela Difdif and Metata Ayib as a means of income generation for local community especially the woman
Nutrition behavioral change (Kollela)
Name of project
School nutrition club project
Studies show that prevalence of child stunting, underweighting and wasting is very high in Ethiopia. The occurrence of these malnutrition problems is still high in food secure areas and in families with relatively good income. This shows that lack of knowledge regarding categorizing foods based on nutritional uses, inappropriate method of preparation that compromises bioavailability and stability of nutrients, lack of knowledge about the association between communicable diseases and nutrition, and lack of knowledge about the fact that missed early childhood nutritional opportunities result in irreversible damage to the brain (cognitive capacity), behavioral and physical performances that could not be made up in later life.
Hence, this project would bring about nutrition behavioral change in the Kollela school community and its environs through the different activities of student nutrition club composed of 3-6 grade students facilitated by a capable teacher working at the school
Knowledge based trainings for improvement of existing income generating businesses
Training title
Yarn pretreatment and dyeing for production of value added products for the benefit of Mums for Mums small scale enterprise at Kebele 08, Bahir Dar
The mums to mums small scale enterprise, located at kebele 08 near Bahir Dar Textile Share Company, Bahir Dar, established by 15 poor women, who are with children and were on streets before the establishment of the enterprise, is engaged in producing woven article of limited variety from the imported acrylic yarn only. The products of the enterprise are limited to acrylic products only, which is not as preferable as that of cotton, due unavailability of dyed cotton yarn. Cotton, in addition to being a local product, is the best raw material for such articles. The aim of this community service is to provide technical inputs of yarn pretreatment and dyeing to the most deprived women and increase the diversity and quality of article to be produced with the ultimate goal of increasing their income
Enhancing designing, pattern making, cutting and garment sewing skills of prisoners in Bahir Dar prison
About 100 prisoners are involved in the Designing, Pattern making, Cutting and Sewing of Garment activity use traditional methods. The prisoners were using a non-powered (pedal driven) sewing machines and inappropriate fabrics to produce different garments. The project team has reached the conclusion that considerable scopes to providing technical inputs to the prisoners engaged in garment making training. With this regard, the present project envisages to provide technical service in designing, pattern making, cutting and sewing techniques to upgrade the skill of selected prisoners. The project may be viewed as a community service which is one of the mottos of the Bahir Dar University. The project team and advisor have the very good technical skill and provide similar training on different sewing machine operations and maintenance to Bahir Dar Textile Share Company. Such trainings not only to upgrade the skill of the trainees but also help to secure higher incomes from the sale of value added garment products
3 . Training on Cotton yarn dyeing for AWRAMBA community
4. The training was requested by the AWRAMBA community itself
5. Training on Singer made designs and Garment pattern making
6. Training requested by Bahir Dar SME development agency
7. Training on increasing weaving efficiency
8. Training being delivered to Hawassa Textile Factory
Achievement of the KTTO
KTTO organized a number of activities for the last two years.:
- Organized science and technology day at BDU
- Facilitate text based training for new science books.
- Provide training in science laboratories.
- Organize mathematics training for primary school teachers.
- Award winners in science and technology competition.
- Organized computer training program.
- Assist a number of training program financially and materially.
- Encouraging science technology competition winners and continuous support.
- Provide chemicals and apparatus to different schools, etc…
Academic staff members of the university also provide a number of community services such as: training school teachers, health services for the community, vaccination of animals, training of technicians, entrepreneurship and leadership training, etc...
Dissemination of selected technologies to the public is our major plan for the coming years. We have a number of technologies in different programs and will be introduced for the public in the near future.
Technologies which are in the processes of tranfering to the community are:
- Design and Implementation of Smart Solar Energy Based Drip Irrigation System.
- Design and Implementation of FM Broadcasting Station for Bahir Dar University
- Designing and Fabrication of Modified Hand Loom.
- Design of Gasifier Stove for Cooking and Solid Waste Management: Household and Institutional Level
- Small Scale Laundry Soap Production for Bahir Dar University.
- Development of Local Complementary Food by Extrusion Processing with Biofortification to Meet Protein, Energy and Micronutrient Needs of the Consuming Infants