Vice President for Administrative Affairs
Office: Wisdom Tower 2nd Floor R. 211
General Background
Bahir Dar University as one of the oldest public universities in Ethiopia, and has contributed substantially in generation of knowledge, technology transfer and supply of trained man power to the nation. It aspires to be one of the top ten premier research universities in Africa as of 2025. As a higher institution, it has three core obligations to discharge- effective learning-teaching, research and community service. The university has shown remarkable progress in discharging of these obligations set by higher institutions proclamation No. 650/2009. As it stands now, the university is producing graduates who are practically seen to be very competitive in a labor market. It is also working hard to boost research and publication. The result in this regard is also promising as many of researchers are being motivated to do problem solving practical researches with publishable quality. Moreover, the community service is being effectively extended to the targeted communities through proper identification of the need. The academic staff and students of the university are tirelessly working to serve the community without reservation.
Who we are
Bahir Dar University Administration Affairs Vice President Office vigorously works to the realization of BDU vision 2025. It creates conducive environment to the actors (students, researchers, and admininistarative staff) of the institution through supply of necessary infrastructure. To be more reachable to its customers and stakeholders, the office is structured in to one Executive Directorate, 7 Central Directorates, and 6 Campus Administrations-Managing Directorates with Administration and Development Directorates at the top.
In general, the office of V/President for Administration Affairs is Responsible to:
Administer Budget
Administer Finance and Ensure Expedited Finance Service
Ensure Procurement and Property Administration based on Pertinent Procurement and Property Administration Laws
Ensuring Employment, Transfer, Promotion, Demotion etc of Employees and Handling Grievance as per Civil Service Laws.
Oversees Student Service and Passes Strategic Decisions Helpful to Improve Student Service
Ensures Provision of General Services ( allocation of vehicles, offices, ensure greening, maintenance etc)
Oversees Administration and Equitable Distribution of Residential Houses.
Contact Information for the Executive Director
Gedefaw Shiferaw Yigzaw ( BA, LLB, LLM )
Director, Executive Directorate for Administration Affairs
Tel. No: +251-932-244-127
Office: Wisdom Tower 2nd Floor R. 215
Office of Executive Director for Administration Affairs is advisory office for Administration Affairs Vice-President. The major responsibilities of the office are:
- Advising the administration affairs vice president specifically on administration affairs;
- Supervising the works of directorates working under the auspice of administrative affairs v/president.
- Handling specific tasks assigned by the vice president.
Contact Information for other Directors
Belaynew Asrie Molla (Mr.)
Director, Central Procurement and Property Administration
Tel. No: +251-583-206-015
Office: Wisdom Tower 2nd Floor R. 208
Gizate Emiru Zerihun (Mr.)
Director, Human Resource Management Directorate
Tel. No: +251-583-206-015s
Office: Wisdom Tower 1st Floor R. 102
Fikrie Almaw Yigzaw
Director, Student Service Directorate
Tel. No: +251-918-353-324
Office: Wisdom Tower 3rd Floor R. 302
Mulatu Tebikew Wassie (Mr.)
Director, General Service Directorate
Tel. No: +251-583209936
Office: Wisdom Tower 3rd Floor R. 302
Abebe Ayele Taddesse (Mr.)
Director, Finance Directorate
Tel. No: +251-583206089
Phone: 0918705018
Office: Wisdom Tower 1st Floor R. 001
Bayu Teshome Ferede
Director, Building and Residential Houses Directorate
Tel. No: +251- 583202016
Office: Wisdom Tower 3rd Floor R. 309