Educational activities:
- B.Sc and MSc degreesin Computer engineering from Adama Science and Technology University in 2013 and Mekelle University in 2018, both in Ethiopia respectively.
- started working in 2013 at Bahir Dar University and taught many courses with lab manuals preparation such as basic computer programming in c++, distributed systems in java, compiler design in c++, programing languages course using different languages and deliver them effectively,
- Gave computer skill and online learning training for many high school and preparatory schools teachers and IT professionals around Bahir Dar during and before covid-19 time,
- Published four research papers with my colleagues on IoT and related topics, managed projects using different programming languages,algorithms and protocols funded by Bahir Dar university.
- Leading many community servicesas principal investigator and participate as member
- working on administrative activities, such as being the leader of software and data science courses chair for two years, the head of the hardware and networking department for one year
- Leading and participating on curriculum development of computer engineering programs such as UG, MSc and PhD and different committee works.
Volunteer activities:
1. Internet Society Ethiopia Chapter: I am an initiator, founding member and president of Internet Society Ethiopia Chapter until now. During my presidency, I have participated in many national and international Internet related conferences, writing grant proposals, implement the projects, writing reports and leading projects as all. I always organize, facilitate and moderate Internet related workshops, webinars, conferences and events, mobilize members and participate in national and international affairs, leading the chapter as per the charter and bylaws. Ihave been serving as the Internet Society Ethiopia Chapter Presidentfrom January 2020 – February 2023.
2. ICANN: I have organized and facilitated the ICANN(The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) community engagement conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia at Capital Hotel from Nov 24 &25 2022. In this event, I was managing hotel booking for ICANN staff, booking conference hall, registering conference attendees, facilitating and booking tea break and lunch.
3. Tana Haik Alumni Network: based in USA and support Tana Haik School in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. I am Bahir Dar office coordinator.
- Coordinating the support from Tana Haik Alumni network for Tana Haik high school, students, scholarship for high scorer students and female sanitary facilities
Mentoring Experiences:
- Internet Society Early Career program fellowship mentor in 2021 and 2022 for coaching, training, leading projects of mentees;
- Internet Society IGF Youth Ambassador Fellowship program mentor in 2022 for coaching, training, leading projects of mentee;
- Took many online and face-to-face short term programming and related courses such as c++, java, python, and R programming language, Machine learning, deep learning, networking, embedded and distributed systems, cisco networking and instructor training and soon.
International Participation:
- TRIL (Training and Research in Italian Laboratories) fellow at ICTP, Italy from May 1–August 30, 2021.
- EuroSSIG (European Summer School on Internet Governance) fellow in Meissen, Germany from August 15–21, 2021.
- participated in national and international conferences such as Internet Society, International telecommunication Union (ITU), ICTP, Internet Governance Forum (IGF), International Corporation for Assigned names and numbers (ICANN) and EURODIG.
Seminar Presentations:
- "IoT: architecture, protocols, and applications," First National Workshop on the Internet of Things (IoT-2022), September 17, 2022, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia
- "Teff Yield Prediction using Machine Learning", ICAST-2022, Nov 5, 2022, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia
- "Practical Use Cases on the Application of IoT Protocols and Platforms", Seminar for ICT4D staff, Oct 8, 202, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
- "Internet Day 2021: Internet Society's History and Opportunities", Bahir Dar American Corner, October 30, 2021, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
- Mulatu, Adugna Necho, and Eneyachew Tamir. "Prediction of Teff Yield Using a Machine Learning Approach." In Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization for Sustainable Development: 10th EAI International Conference, ICAST 2022, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, November 4-6, 2022, Proceedings, pp. 159-176. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
- Ravi Mohan Sharma, Chaitanya. P Agrawal, Vinod Kumar, Adugna Necho Mulatu, "CFSBFDroid: Android Malware Detection Using CFS + Best First Search-Based Feature Selection", Mobile Information Systems, vol. 2022, Article ID 6425583, 15 pages, 2022.
- C. Mattihalli, E. Gedefaye, F. Endalamaw, A. Necho, “Plant leaf diseases detection and auto-medicine,” Internet of Things, Volumes 1–2,2018,Pages 67-73, ISSN 2542-6605.
- C. Mattihalli, E. Gedefaye, F. Endalamaw and A. Necho, "Real Time Automation of Agriculture Land, by automatically Detecting Plant Leaf Diseases and Auto Medicine," 2018 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), Krakow, 2018, pp. 325-330.
Community services:
- BDU academic staff documents reviewer committee for the acquisition of condominium house, Nov 2019
- Quality assurance committee for electronics, computers, and related items, September-August 2018.
- Organizing and giving “basic computer skills training” for Merawi High School teachers in Mecha Wereda, December 2018.
- Organizing and giving “computer maintenance training” for Merawi High School teachers in Mecha Wereda, December 2018.
- Organizing and giving “Basic computer skill training” for Aferewanat senior and preparatory School teachers in Dera wereda, Dec 2018.
- Maintaining Personal Computers for BiT, Nov 12, 2019-Jan 09, 2020
- Design and implementation of Infrared Thermometer(IR) and Heart Rate and SpO2 Monitoring( Oximeter) for a response to Covid-19, funded by Bahir Dar university, May 1-30, 2020
- Teff yield prediction using machine learning approach, August 30/2019- 2022
- Develop and implement Human Resource Management project for Amhara Industrial Park Corporation, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, funded by bahir dar university, February 2019 – June 2019
- Develop and implement Enterprise resource Planning project for Tana Mobile PLC, February 2019 – June 2019
- PLANT DISEASES DETECTION AND AUTOMATIC MEDICINING funded by Bahir Dar University, 2018 – 2019
Reasearch Interest: IoT, WSN, Smart city, HPC, AI and Machine Learning