Objectives of the Program
    The general objective of the PhD program in Power Engineering is to satisfy the national demand for highly trained Electrical Power Engineering educators, researchers and Electrical Power engineers and management experts.
    Specific objectives of the program are to:
  •     Produce qualified graduates who can fill academic staff shortage in the country;
  •     Generate, develop, and disseminate new knowledge through research in Electrical power engineering;
  •     Provide leadership in fostering interdisciplinary education and research programs that are fundamental to solving the problems facing the country;
  •     Provide national and international leadership to the electrical engineering profession that is increasingly being driven by advances in technology.
  •     Initiate and disseminate research in the electrical power engineering in line with the national needs and support the sector in consultancy and problem-solving.
Name of the program: Electrical Power Engineering
Name of the degree to be awarded: Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Power Engineering.
 Degree to be awarded by: Bahir Dar University/Bahir Dar Institute of Technology
Standard period of study: 4 years
 Total credit: PhD With Coursework- 15 Cr. Hrs of Coursework and Doctoral Dissertation    
PhD without Coursework –Doctoral Dissertation
 Commencement of the PhD program: 2020
  Mode of Study: Full Time
Graduation Requirements

The student is classified as a Dissertator, as soon as a student has passed all the requirements for the PhD degree less completion of the dissertation. Specifically, the student must:

  •  Take the PhD Qualifying Examination;
  •        Pass the Preliminary Examination
  •       Be awarded Advanced Graduate Standing;
  •              Publish one peer reviewed journals and one international conference paper for PhD by coursework whereas PhD without course requires two peer reviewed journals and one international conference paper
  •       Pass the final oral examination (Dissertation evaluation)


  •         Dissertator must be continuously registered each semester until the PhD is obtained.
  •     Ordinarily, a Dissertator registers for Research or Thesis after the completion of course works.
  •     Registration must be maintained every semester, regardless of whether the student is performing research on or off campus. This includes, Dissertators who are Research Assistants or Lecturers in the Faculty.
  •     Failure to satisfy the continuous registration requirement without officially withdrawing from the program results in loss of Dissertator status. The candidate has to complete his/her PhD dissertation to fulfill the graduation requirement.
  •      The dissertation must be an achievement in original research constituting a significant contribution to knowledge, and must represent a substantial scholarly effort by the student.
  •       Upon completion of the dissertation, an oral defense is required, which consists of a public presentation of the research work to the faculty and the Examination Board.


  •       A PhD candidate shall graduate provided that, besides the dissertation, he/ she has at least one publication from the result of the thesis work for PhD with coursework and two publications for PhD without coursework. These papers must be published in peer reviewed reputable journals.
  •       Must have at least one peer reviewed international conference paper for both PhD with Coursework and PhD by Research

Final Oral Examination for Doctor of Philosophy Degree (Defense)

  •       Final oral examination is required in defense of the completed PhD thesis that can be taken only after all other requirements for the PhD have been cleared. The examination is administered by a committee appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School, upon recommendation by the student's research advisor. The committee consists of three members (as per BiT PhD guideline):
  •       Three external examiners, of which one professor from abroad and two with the rank of associate professor or above from local universities.
  •      Final Oral Examination should be scheduled at least 2 months after the final dissertation document is submitted.
  •      The number of times a student may take the Final Oral Examination is based on BDU graduate studies legislation (BiT PhD guideline).

Contact Person

Alebachew Kassie