Doctor of philosophy in Communication Engineering
Hosting Unit 
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Program Description:
  • Looking at the current demand of telecommunication engineers as well as the need for qualified instructors for booming universities in Ethiopia, with a very preliminary need assessment one can clearly tell the scarcity of PhD teaching staff. The telecommunication projects as well as consultancy and business centres in the country are also seeking highly
  • Qualified engineers with highest demands. Moreover, the University of Bahir Dar has set a vision to become a leading research university by 2025. PhD program in Communication Engineering is initiated to realize this vision. So far our PhD program emphasizes on Advanced Wireless Communication Systems, Advanced Optical Communication Systems, Advanced Estimation and Detection Theory, Application of advanced Digital Signal Processing, Advancement in Antenna Design and Electromagnetic compatibility and Interferences research areas. 
Duration of the program
Three to Five years
Medium of Instruction
Admission criteria
  • Applicants should have bachelor degree and a master degree (with project/thesis) preferably in related fields of the study program (electrical engineering and computer engineering) from recognized college/institute/university with minimum CGPA as per BDU legislation.
  • Applicants should take PhD admitting examination and interview.
  • Applicants should have a concept note of his/her PhD dissertation.
  • Applicants expected to submit two recommendation letters, write a statement of interest (motivation) and a research concept note. 

Graduation Requirements
The student is classified as a Dissertator, as soon as a student has passed all the requirements
for the PhD degree less completion of the dissertation. Specifically, the student must:

  • Take the PhD Qualifying Examination
  • Complete 12 credits of required PhD course work with a minimum cumulative grade
  • point average (CGPA) of 3.00 and a minimum grade requirement for all courses is B.
  • Pass the A-Examination
  • Be Eligible for Candidacy;
  • Give Progress Presentation
  • Give Synopsys Seminar
  • Publish one peer reviewed journals and one international conference paper
  • Pass the B-Examination

A PhD graduate is expected to publish one article in peer reviewed journals from the result of the thesis work. However, no PhD candidate shall graduate without publishing at least one article in peer reviewed journal and one international conference with dissertation. Institute should work to fulfill the required support and facility requirements for publication.
Annual intake

5 students
Tuition fee
(2020/21 rate)
Contact person
Lijaddis Getnet Ayalew
Lecturer, Communication System Engineering
Communication and Electronics Chair Holder
Office: Ghion 1st floor #106