Community Service    


The School of Earth Sciences has been giving demand-driven community services that can solve their problems.

By the budget year of 2011 E.C our school has been delivered several community services on the basis of community requisite and by the proposals of  teams of the School Earth sciences. All the community services programs are addressed the community of the Amhara regional states where the Bahir Dar University is situated.

Among the planed programs:

1. Awareness creation about earth sciences, earth’s resources, exploration techniques and environmental protection mechanism on selected high school students of Bahir Dar town (steem center of Bahir Dar University).

2. Training on hydrogeology, geophysics and remote sensing field survey, data processing, and interpretation for groundwater potential zone delineation and exploration in west Gojam Zone , Ethiopia.

3. Training on mining techniques and environmental impacts of opal artisanal mining in Delanta and Wadla Woredas, Northern Wollo,Ethiopia

The other demand-driven CS were:

  1. Landslide hazard assessment around Gindeweyn and Mota area.
  2. Landslide hazard identification around Tis Abay (Jib God area)
  3. Landslide hazard risk assessment in Dessie Town (This was requested by the zonal court to give witness about the triggering factor for the landslide occurrence and damage on livelihood in the town. In the other way the court needs our expert judgment for their final rule out)
  4. Field observation about the cause of wildfire around Yibab area (with other college experts)
  5. Hydrogeological training in Finote Selam area: for drilling site selection