Project Members
Team Leaders and Members:
North: Prof. Verleyen Elie, Ghent University - Aquatic microbial ecology
South: Prof. Mulugeta Kibret, Bahir Dar University - Microbiology
Project Members (South):
Dr. Ayalew Wondie | BDU, Department of Biology, Science College | Aquatic and Wetland Sciences |
Mr. Bayeh Abera | BDU,Department of Microbiology, Parasitology and Immunology, College of Medicine and health Sciences | Medical Microbiology |
Dr. Daniel Ayalew | BDU, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Social Science Faculty | Geography and GIS |
Dr. Getachew Beneberu | BDU, Department of Biology, Science College | Aquatic Ecology |
Dr. Minwyelet Mingist | BDU, Department of Fisheries, Wetlands and Wildlife Management, College of Agriculture and Environmental Science | Fisheries Sciences & Aquatic Ecology |
Dr. Wassie Anteneh | BDU, Department of Biology, Science College | Aquatic Ecology |
Project Members (North):
Prof. Peter Goethals | Ghent University | Integrated water system analysis |
Prof. Luc De Meester | KU Leuven | Aquatic ecology |
Prof. Steven Bouillon | KU Leuven | Aquatic food webs |
Prof. Ludwig Triest | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Aquatic ecology and wetlands |
Prof. Alain De Vocht | University Hasselt/PXL University College | Fish biology |
Prof. Wim Vyverman | Ghent University | Aquatic ecology |
Dr. Christine Van der Heyden | Hogeschool Gent | Water quality |
Prof. Kurt Houf | Ghent University | Food pathogens |
Dr. Cornelis Stal | Hogeschool Gent | GIS and remote sensing |
Mr. Quinten Vanhellemont | Royal Institute for Natural Sciences | Remote sensing of aquatic ecosystems |