
What is the BDU-IUC programme all about?

The BDU-IUC programme is trying to address environmental and socio-economic bottlenecks through joint research geared towards land, water, post harvest loss management and socio-economic aspects in northwestern Ethiopia specifically in the Tana-Beles basin areas. Therefore, the programme is  targeted to contribute to the Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy of the Ethiopian Government which is the cornerstones of the Green Growth Strategy of the Ethiopian Government.

Objectives of the Programme

Academic objective: Train 17 PhD graduates and 7 pre-doctoral studies at international level, 28 MSc at BDU from 22 departments/units of the University and boost physical capacities of BDU through joint implementation of research projects (1. Transversal Institutional Strengthening (TISP), 2. Land Resilience, 3. Hydro(geo)logy, 4. Postharvest and food processing, 5. Aquatic ecology and waterborne diseases and 6. Socio-economic development)

Development objective: Contribute to the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy in northwest Ethiopia through research that is geared towards the solution of bottlenecks related to environment, water, food security, health and economical and social development.

Therefore, the BDU-IUC programme has the following vision and the mission statements:

Vision: BDU playing pivotal roles in addressing societal problems             

Mission: Boosting human and physical capacities of BDU to achieve excellences in research, teaching and community services