Higher education is the backbone of any society. It is the quality of higher education that decides the quality of human resources in a country. The main concern of quality of education in academia across the globe is to induce quality in teaching and learning.Bahir Dar University established Total Quality Management (TQM) office by upgrading the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Directorate (formerly known by the name Academic Development and Resource Center (ADRC)). As the University has given special attention to quality teaching, research and community engagement, and strives to realize the vision of becoming one of the leading research-intensive universities in Africa and the first choice in Ethiopia by 2030, TQM plays a significant role in this endeavor.The establishment of a quality assurance and enhancement coordinator at each academic unit focusing on the quality of the programs offered in terms of the general criteria of the structure and process of Bahir Dar University.The quality assurance and enhancement coordinator in Science College academic unit has the following duties and responsibilities.

 1.  Check the availability and fulfillment of inputs required for the teaching-learning process. 

 2. Check the quality of course guidebooks/course outline in line with the given standard. 

 3. Prepare quality assurance forum once in a year at AU level.

 4. Preparing and submitting periodic report.

 5.  Audit the quality of teaching-learning, research and community service of the AU.

 6. Conduct course evaluation in every semester; and annual satisfaction survey of students, teachers and administrative staffs.

 7. Documentation and dissemination of data related to the quality of teaching learning, research and community services.

 8. Perform other duties given by the AU Dean and/or the Quality Assurance Office.