
Alumni Celebration: Our alumni held their first conference

Poly Campus

08 Jan, 2025

Alumni Celebration Our alumni held their first conference Poly-Peda-Bahir Dar university alumni held their first conference today at the National Alcohol hall celebrating BDU'S Diamond Jubilee in the presence of the University’s president. The conference was opened by head of the organizing alumni committee, Engineer Gizachew who emphasized the importance of Alumni Associations to maintain ties among former graduates and to contribute to the development of their universities. Guest of honor of the program Dr. Firew Tegegne, President of the university, presented about the development of the university from the 5 pioneering technology programs of PTI to the 430+ curricular programs currently run by Bahir Dar university. He remembered the professional discipline and practical skills of PTI graduates with their everlasting fraternal relationships. The other major event in the conference was sharing of success stories of the former graduates. Engineer Shewaferaw presented the works of some notable PTI technology graduates like Daniel Mebrhatu who established his own private companies, Dan Technocraft, which are on the eve of celebrating their own Golden Jubilee. Similar presentations were made by Engineer Ashenafi Desalegn on achievements of PolyTechnic Engineering graduates like Engineer Melak who is working at NASA. Besides, former graduates like Engineer Wubishet Hailu had presented success stories of his "WATT International PLC" which has worked in 70+ cities of Ethiopia on water related projects. Ato Yonathan Menkir also shared his ventures on aviation consultancy and volunteerism. Engineer Aysheshim presented about the development of PAN (Poly Alumni Network) from sharing friends' pain to a registered graduates association in the USA. Finally, Dr.Zewdu Emiru, BDU's Vice President for Information and Strategic Communications, closed the meeting thanking all who committed themselves to the realization of the conference. He promised that the university will recognize Alumni who had uniquely contributed to the development of the scientific profession and national development. At the end, he called for all former graduates to come and celebrate BDU'S anniversary closing ceremony and Alumni Day events to be celebrated at Bahir Dar in the first week of June. Lastly, the 3rd director of PTI, Ato Million Belete and Dr. Hailu Araya who was among the earliest instructors of English language at the institute extended their gratitude

የባሕር ዳር ዩኒቨርሲቲ በቀድሞ ምሩቃኑ ወርሃዊ የምክክር መድረክ ላይ ተገኘ

Poly Campus

08 Jan, 2025

የባሕር ዳር ዩኒቨርሲቲ በቀድሞ ምሩቃኑ ወርሃዊ የምክክር መድረክ ላይ ተገኘ [ታህሳስ 01 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም፣ ኢስኮ/ባቴኢ] ============================ በፖሊ ቴክኒክ ምሩቃን ተጀምሮ በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ፖሊ ካፌ ሲካሄድ የቆየው ወርሃዊ የመሰባሰቢያ መርሃግብር በዛሬው እለትም በባሕር ዳር ዩኒቨርሲቲ የ60ኛ ዓመት በዓል አከባበር የፖሊ ፔዳ ምሩቃን ተሳትፎ ኮሚቴ አማካኝነት በብሄራዊ አልኮልና አረቄ ፋብሪካ የመሰብሰቢያ አዳራሽ ውስጥ ተካሂዷል::  መርሃ ግብሩ በያዝነው ዓመት እየተከበረ በሚገኘው የባሕር ዳር ዩኒቨርሲቲ 60ኛ ዓመት በዓል አከባበር የቀድሞ ምሩቃንን ሚና መሰረት አድርጎ የተካሄደ ሲሆን በሰብሳቢው ኢንጅነር ግዛቸው ሽፈራው አማካኝነት ተመርቷል:: በመርሃ ግብሩ በተለይም በኮሚቴው አማካኝነት በአዲስ አበባ እና በባሕር ዳር ከተሞች በታህሳስ እና ጥር ወራት ሊካሄዱ በታሰቡት ጉባኤዎች ዝግጅት ዙርያ የተከናወኑ ተግባራት በስራ አስፈፃሚዎች በኩል ቀርበው ጥልቅ ግምገማና ምክክር ተካሂዶባቸዋል:: በመርሃ ግብሩ ላይ የባሕር ዳር ዩኒቨርሲቲ የተለያየ ደረጃ አመራሮችና የበዓል አከባበር ኮሚቴ ስራ አስፈጻሚዎች የተገኙ ሲሆን የቀድሞ ምሩቃኑ ለዩኒቨርሲቲው እያደረጉ ላሉት ድጋፍ አድናቆታቸውን ገልጸውና ምስጋናቸውን አቅርበው ጥረታቸው ከዚህም በላይ ተጠናክሮ መቀጠል እንዳለበትና ከዩኒቨርሲቲው ማህበረሰብ ጋርም ተናብቦ መስራት እንደሚገባ አመላክተዋል:: የብሔራዊ አልኮል ፋብሪካ እያደረገ ላለው ድጋፍም ልባዊ ምስጋናቸውን አቅርበዋል:: የኢንፎርሜሽንና ስትራቴጂክ ኮሚዩኒኬሽን ዳይሬክቶሬት ፌስቡክ፡- ቴሌግራም፡- ዌብሳይት፡-

በዓለምአቀፍ ደረጃ ለ19ኛ በሐገራችን ደግሞ ለ18ኛ ጊዜ ዓለማቀፍ የፀረ-ሙስና ቀን “ሙስናን መታገል በተግባር!” በሚል መሪ ቃል በባሕር ዳር ዩኒቨርሲቲ፣ ባሕር ዳር ቴክኖሎጂ ኢንስቲትዩት ተከበረ


08 Jan, 2025

[ሕዳር 27 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም፣ ኢስኮ/ባቴኢ] ************************************* በዓለምአቀፍ ደረጃ ለ19ኛ በሐገራችን ደግሞ ለ18ኛ ጊዜ ዓለማቀፍ የፀረ-ሙስና ቀን “ሙስናን መታገል በተግባር!” በሚል መሪ ቃል በባሕር ዳር ዩኒቨርሲቲ፣ ባሕር ዳር ቴክኖሎጂ ኢንስቲትዩት ተከበረ። መርሃግብሩን በንግግር የከፈቱት የባህር ዳር ቴክኖሎጂ ኢንስቲትዩት ሳይንቲፊክ ዳይሬክተር ዶ/ር ቢምረው ታምራት እንደተናገሩት፣ ሙስና የሀገር እድገትን በማደናቀፍ እና ህዝባዊ ስብዕና  መላሸቅ በማስከተል የሥራን ሞራል በከፍተኛ ሁኔታ የሚጎዳ ስልሆነ በጋራ ልንታገለው ይገባል። በንግግራቸው አክለውም የሙስና መገለጫዎች ዘርፈ ብዙህ በመሆናቸው ሁሉም ኃላፊነቱን በአግባቡ መወጣት፣ ባጋራ መስራት፣ መተባበርና በአንድነት በመቆም ሙስናን በእጅጉ መቀነስ እንደሚቻል ጠቁመዋል። በመቀጠልም አቶ አታሌ አያሌው፣ የባህር ዳር ዩኒቨርሲቲ የሥነ ምግባርና ፀረ ሙስና መከታተያ ክፍል፣ የሙስና ስጋት ተጋላጭነት ጥናት ባለሙያ፣ የፀረ-ሙስና ቀን አስመልክቶ በባሕር ዳር ዪኒቨርሲቲ የተዘጋጀውን የመወያያ ሰነድ አቅርበዋል። በገለፃቸውም የሙስና ፅንሰ ሀሳብ፣ በኢትዮጵያ የፀረ ሙስና ትግል፣ አስቻይ ሁኔታና ተግዳሮቶች፣ የፀረ ሙስና ትግል ቀጣይ አቅጣጫዎችና የባለድርሻ አካላት ሚና በሚሉት ዙሪያ ሰፋ ያለ ማብራሪያ ሰጥቷል። በመጨረሻም በዶ/ር ሚንችል ግተው የባሕር ዳር ቴክኖሎጂ እንስቲትዩት ማኔጂንግ ዳይሬክተር መሪነት  በቀረበው ሰነድ ላይና ከተሳታፊዎች በተነሱት ሓሳቦች ዙርያ ውይይት ተደርጎ መርሃግብሩ ተጠናቋል::   Information and Strategic Communication Directorate Facebook፡- Telegram፡- Website፡- Twitter: - LinkedIn: -  

The startup of BiTec, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology-Bahir Dar University, was named the best startup at the Entrepreneurship Competition held on the 9th Global Entrepreneurship Week, hosted by Ministry of Labor and Skills, Addis Ababa


08 Jan, 2025

The startup of BiTec, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology-Bahir Dar University, was named the best startup at the Entrepreneurship Competition held on the 9th Global Entrepreneurship Week, hosted by Ministry of Labor and Skills, Addis Ababa. [December 04, 2022 Addis Ababa, ISC/BiT] ***************************************  The team of Solomon Geremew, Henok Simachew, Kalkidan Eshete, and Mequanint Ayusew BiTec-BiT-BDU, who pitched their business idea on the Ethio Organic Pesticide at the Entrepreneurship Competition on the Global Entrepreneurship celebrated in our country for the 9th time, was named the best startup and awarded 260,000 birr among the startups participated from various universities in Ethiopia.  The Ministry of Labor and Skills has also recognized Bahir Dar University for sending startups to pitch their business ideas. The outcome demonstrates how much Bahir Dar University has invested in startups and entrepreneurs by establishing centers such as Seifu BiT Makerspace. Dr. Negeri Lencho, the honorable guest, presented the award to the winners. The startups expressed gratitude to Seifu BiT Makerspace members who helped them to achieve this result. They also expressed special gratitude to Dr. Amare Kassaw, BiTec Director, who has been a pillar of their work by accompanying them to all events even by staying with them until the mid-night at the Makerspace. The BiT Information and Strategic Communication Directorate would like to congratulate the startups on their outstanding achievements. Information and Strategic Communication Directorate Facebook፡- Telegram፡- Website፡- Twitter: -   LinkedIn: -

Dr. Abeba Birhane, Cognitive Scientist at Mozilla Trustworthy AI, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Researcher at University College Dublin Ireland, and alumna of Bahir Dar Un

Poly Campus

08 Jan, 2025

 [November 28, 2022 Bahir Dar, ISC/BiT] **************************** Dr. Abeba Birhane, Cognitive Scientist at Mozilla Trustworthy AI, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Researcher at University College Dublin Ireland, and alumna of Bahir Dar University, delivered a public lecture to BDU academic staff and students. She spoke on the growth of cognitive science, and how the old method of conducting research has been superseded by impeded cognitive science. It takes into consideration the environmental component, where research is conducted while individuals are engaged in their normal surroundings. According to her, only a few people, particularly Ethiopians, are focused on such progress. AI has a variety of applications, including NLP, which covers language conversion and grammatical checking. Meanwhile, robotics is the other use, and most studies involve robotics application in aiding and reducing human workload. There is also a sector for computer vision, which began in 1955, although face recognition and a variety of other outputs serve at various levels. However, models have been recoded with bias in terms of gender, color, and race, which is why she is focusing on dataset auditing. According to her speech, dataset auditing is a procedure in which models are checked before implementation, and most have been associated with harming individuals, including putting people to prison and incorrect health prediction. However, applications based on planets and meteorology are expected to have a positive influence. Discussions with the audience and participants had followed the lecture. Information and Strategic Communication Directorate Facebook፡- Telegram፡- Website፡- Twitter: - LinkedIn: -

The 4th International Conference on ICT4D is organized by ICT4D-BiT-BDU

Poly Campus

08 Jan, 2025

[November 28, 2022 Bahir Dar, ISC/BiT] **************************** The 4th International Conference on ICT4D is organized by ICT4D-BiT-BDU in collaboration with UNDP, UNICEF, and IEEE. During the start, Dr. Mekuanint Agegnehu, Deputy Scientific Director for Research and Community Service, said that ICT4D was established in 2016 with the goal of becoming one of the top five ICT research centers in 10 to 15 years. Later on, Dr. Esubalew Alemneh ICT4D director, highlighted that ICT4D bridges the digital divide and support economic growth. He also stated that ICT4DA conference is hosted to bring together researchers and engineers to discuss and work on a variety of topics. Dr. Bimrew Tamrat, Scientific Director of BiT, on the other hand, made a remark on the institutes practical and technological aims, which help graduates become innovators and entrepreneurs. He also said that, BiT teaches a number of students in preparation for ABET certification for undergraduate programs, while, ICT4D is one of the research centers devoted to advancing technology and innovation.   Professor Fisseha Mekuria, research scientist at CSIR, recognized the importance of culture and language, and emphasized the need of honoring one's own language and culture in order to be recognized globally. Meanwhile, over 2.7 billion people have never utilized the internet, and most advancement and innovations are focused on other areas. So, researchers must include all mankind as a consideration, and projects and research must be community-based; otherwise, delivering successful answers will be in question. On the other hand, novel digital services are required to enable access to the community in order for it to adapt. He also mentioned the work being done in the Republic of South Africa to help rural enterprises and schools via planning.    Mr. Nathi Mbele, a South African entrepreneur, adds weight to Professor Fisseha’s words by sharing his own experience. Apart from declaring Ethiopia to be the future and mother of Africa, he urged on government regulation to provide a playground for operators. His rural network services provide comprehensive assistance to South Africans. He stated that young Africans are numerous yet unconnected, and just 20% of the African population has access to providers, leaving the remainder out. Meanwhile, firms with more 30 years of experience exist in Africa, and profit is a goal that has harmed the populace.  Additionally, Dr. L. Mfupe spoke about impact analysis on initiatives to support youth and women owned rural and township wireless network operators.   In the Afternoon’s session Dr. Abeba Birhane, from Mozilla foundation and University College Dublin Ireland delivered a keynote speech on the impact and significance of AI in an environment where most Ethiopians are focused on NLP. According to her speech, robots serve for a variety of purposes and functions, particularly in easing human burdens. However, most AI models developed in some companies have a bias with regard to skin, gender, and other factors, which she insisted on developing local models based on the challenges at hand and training the data with accurate input. Bethlehem Abera Gronnerberg, Founder & Executive Director of uCodeGirl, elaborated the challenges raised by Dr. Abeba Birhane through sharing her experiences.    The conference will continue in parallel sessions until Wednesday.   Information and Strategic Communication Directorate Facebook፡- Telegram፡- Website፡- Twitter: - LinkedIn: -

Congratulations! Seifu BiTMakerspace has been recognized as "The most active makerspace of the year" at African makerspace

Poly Campus

08 Jan, 2025

Congratulations! Seifu BiTMakerspace has been recognized as "The most active makerspace of the year"  at African makerspace gathering 2022 in Cape Town SA.  [November 21,2022 Bahir Dar, ISC/BiT] ============================== The Africa Makerspace Gathering is an annual meeting of the Africa Makerspace Network which brings together all makers in the network and beyond to have a dialogue on how makerspaces can significantly contribute to the development of a sustainable Africa. In 2022, the annual meeting which is the Gathering, is taking place in Cape Town, South Africa. The award is received by Ms. Bezawork Tilahun, Coordinator of Seifu BiT Makerspace at BiT-BDU.  Information and Strategic Communication Directorate wants to congratulate all the Seifu BiT Makerspace team and the BDU community at large. Information and Strategic Communication Directorate Facebook፡- Telegram፡- Website፡- Twitter: - LinkedIn: -

A Big Congratulations! Two Groups of BiTec Innovators Won at National Agribusiness Competition as First and Third

Poly Campus

11 Oct, 2024

A Big Congratulations! Two Groups of BiTec Innovators Won at National Agribusiness Competition as First and Third.  [August 28, 2024 Bahir Dar, ISC/BiT] ============================ Dr. Amare Kassaw, Director of BiTec, was proud to announce that our talented students have emerged victorious in the GIZ-Ethiopia Agribusiness Idea Competition (ABIC2024) Incubation Program! In collaboration with GIZ-Ethiopia's R&D Group, the program equipped students with essential entrepreneurial and agri-venture design skills. Through rigorous training, incubation, and mentorship, our students developed innovative business ideas that stood out among competitors from other universities. Our winning projects are Ultrasound Glue Jel Production from Local Plants (ranked 1st): an innovative idea aims to produce a sustainable and eco-friendly adhesive from locally sourced plants, addressing the need for affordable and environmentally friendly adhesives in various industries and Bread Flour Manufacturing from BSG (ranked 3rd): a project which proposes to establish a local bread flour manufacturing facility, reducing dependency on imported flour and supporting local farmers. Beyond Bahir Dar University, Hawassa, Adama Science and Technology, and Dilla Universities also participated in this GIZ-Ethiopia Agribusiness Idea Competition (ABIC2024) Incubation Program. As previously reported, ninety students from Bahir Dar University initially underwent entrepreneurship and venture design bootcamp training in May 2024. Subsequently, six innovative business ideas were selected for incubation at BiTec. Over the ensuing three months, these ideas were incubated within Seifu BiT Makerspace, benefiting from technical and equipment support, mentorship, and business development training.” A big congratulations to our hardworking and innovative students! We're proud of your accomplishments. Dr. Amare also extended his sincere gratitude to Bahir Dar University, GIZ Ethiopia R&D group, Growth Africa, the BiT Information and Strategic Communication Directorate and the BiTec team for their invaluable support. Information and Strategic Communication Directorate Facebook፡- Telegram፡- Website፡- Twitter: - LinkedIn:- Facebook ( Log in or sign up to view See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

BiTec has conducted the Regional Pitch for the GIZ-Ethiopia Agribusiness Idea Competition (ABIC2024) program

Poly Campus

11 Oct, 2024

BiTec has conducted the Regional Pitch for the GIZ-Ethiopia Agribusiness Idea Competition (ABIC2024) program [August 19, 2024 Bahir Dar, ISC/BiT] ============================ In collaboration with GIZ-Ethiopia's R&D Group, Bahir Dar University organized a four-month Agro-Business Idea Competition Program (ABIC2024). The program aimed to equip innovative students with essential entrepreneurial and venture design skills. ABIC2024 comprised a comprehensive initiative encompassing Training of Trainers (TOT), an Entrepreneurship Bootcamp, Business Incubation support, and regional and national competitions, fostering innovation and entrepreneurial skills among university students. Beyond Bahir Dar University, Hawassa, Adama Science and Technology, and Dilla Universities also participated in this entrepreneurship and agriventure design incubation program. Ninety students from Bahir Dar University initially underwent entrepreneurship and venture design bootcamp training in May 2024. Subsequently, six innovative business ideas were selected for incubation at BiTec. Over the ensuing three months, these ideas were incubated within Seifu BiT Makerspace, benefiting from technical and equipment support, mentorship, and business development training. The culminating event was the regional Agribusiness Idea Competition Pitch, where participants presented innovative agricultural ideas to a panel of judges comprising successful agribusiness entrepreneurs and academic experts. The competition emphasized innovation, feasibility, impact, and scalability. The two selected top-performing teams will advance to the national competition which will be held in the GiZ-Ethiopia office in Addis Ababa in late August. Dr. Muluken Zegeye, Deputy Scientific Director of Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, presented certificates and equipment support prizes to the innovators. He commended BiTec's efforts, acknowledged GIZ-Ethiopia and R&D group’s support, and encouraged continued collaboration to foster business acceleration and networking among the stakeholders.   Facebook፡- Telegram፡- Website፡- Twitter: - LinkedIn:-   Facebook ( Log in or sign up to view See posts, photos and more on Facebook.