Dr. Habtamu Tamirat Admassu




Habtamu Tamrat Admassu (DVM, MSc, Assistant Professor in Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics) 

Dean, Faculty of Freshman 


Bahir Dar University, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, School of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Ethiopia

 P.O. Box: 5501

Mobile: +251 910118458

E-mail:   habtamut1978@gmail.com/ Habtamu.Tamrat@bdu.edu.et

 Passport number: EP6416841

Sex: Male

Date of birth: 05-MAY- 1986

Nationality: Ethiopian

Type of experiences

Dates March 3,2014-up to date 

Name of employer

Bahir Dar University, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, School of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine 

Occupation or position 

March 2014-June 2018- Lecturer 

July 2018 - up-to-date- Assistant Professor in Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics

Type of Experience

I have been teaching both postgraduate and undergraduate students in various programs, conducting various researches, and providing community service. I had served as Coordinator of Animal Farm in the University, Head of the Department of Veterinary Science, Veterinary Clinic Coordinator, Course Chair and Vice Dean for Freshmen programs. Also. I am a member of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Bahir Dar University.

October 22,2013-March 3,2014

Ministry of Agriculture, Agarfa Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education and Training College, Bale Robe, Ethiopia

Occupation or position-Lecturer 

Types of Experience

I had taught various Veterinary and animal production courses such as Infectious Diseases, Aquatic Management, Animal Husbandry Practice, Apiculture & Honey bee production  and diseases and fish production and diseases. 

 October 24,2011-October 19,2012

Name of employerALKAN University College, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Occupation or position- Lecturer

Type of experiences

I had taught Veterinary Gross Anatomy and Physiology, Pharmacology, Clinical Diagnosis, Infectious and Non infectious Diseases, Basic Veterinary Service and General Veterinary Service courses. Additionally, Working in the animal care Industry, Following OHS procedure in animal care environment and animal welfare.

 September 27,2010 – October 28,2011

Name of employer: Long run Veterinary College, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Occupation or position- Lecturer 

Type of experiences

I had taught Veterinary Gross anatomy and Physiology, Veterinary Pharmacology, Clinical Diagnosis, Infectious and Non infectious Diseases.


Dates 2016-2018

 Name of organisation: Bahir Dar University, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, School of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine

MSc in Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics 

Dates 2005/06-2009/10

Degree in Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)

 Name of organisation: Addis Ababa University,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,Ethiopia

Principal Subjects Skills obtained

Level of National Classification: Course on Veterinary Medicine, other Paraclinical programs and more than  twenty  animal propduction courses

Graduated With Great Distiniction(CGPA=3.57/4)

MOTHER TONGUE: AMHARIC: Excellent in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.

OTHER LANGUAGES ENGLISH:  Excellent in Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening and Verbal Skills


I have basic computer knowledge in Microsoft offices (MS-Word, Excel and Access), Internet Browsing and excellent ability in navigating the Internet. Also, I am proficient in analysing Epidemiological data using statistical programs such as STATA, SPSS, SAS and R-software  


While I was an under graduate student, I was living with Ethiopian and non-Ethiopian students in a multicultural environment peacefully. I had gained sociable life experiences from the University life; I had participated in various clubs (anti-drug, anti-corruption) and sport festivals such as inter-departmental competitions within the college. All this helped to mould my personality as a very sociable and amicable person. I am able to work both independently and also I am a good team player 


I was responsible for management tasks such as Veterinary Clinic Coordinator, Department Head, Laboratory Committee Member, Courses Organizer, Animal Farm coordinator, and Course Chair for Veterinary Epidemiology and Research Tools, Vice Dean in the Faculty of Freshmen, Currently, I am serving Dean for faculty of freshman, Bahir Dar University 


Since Ethiopia is rich in livestock resources, I am very much interested in food value chain in agriculture for sustainable agricultural development. “It is estimated that Ethiopia possesses about 62.5 million cattle, 31 million sheep, and 30 million goats. However, a large percentage of the population continues to be affected by several acute and chronic diseases. A major factor that creates this constraint is the lack of skilled man power for the investigation of infectious and non-infectious diseases. Therefore, I am especially interested on investigating major livestock diseases that reduce productivity of livestock. I wish to address the major constraint of livestock diseases using the ‘One Health Approach’ concept.


 1. Habtamu Tamrat, Wudu Tagel & Negus Belayneh (2023). Epidemiology of Ixodid tick infestation and tick-borne haemopathogens in small ruminant from Enarje Enawuga, North Western Ethiopia.  Veterinary Medicine and Science, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1002/vms3.1080

2. Simegn Legesse Mussie Hailemelekot, Habtamu Tamrat, & Yeshwas Ferede (2022). Epidemiological and therapeutic studies on sheep lice in Sayint district, South Wollo Zone, Northeast Ethiopia. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 9:1008455. https://doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.1008455

3.Hailemariam Adugna & Habtamu Tamrat (2022). Epidemiological study on Ixodid tick infestation and tick borne haemopathogens on cattle in Awi Zone, northwest Ethiopia. Veterinary Medicine and Science, 8, 2194–2205. https://doi.org/10.1002/vms3.87

4.Habtamu Tamrat, Negesse Mekonnen, Yeshwas Ferede, Rudi Cassini & Negus Belayneh (2020).  Epidemiological study on calf diarrhea and coccidiosis in dairy farms in Bahir Dar, North West Ethiopia ,Irish Veterinary Journal,73: 14  https://doi.org/10.1186/s13620-020-00168-w

5.Birhanu Tamirat, Habtamu Tamrat & Mu-uz Gebru (2018). Prevalence, financial impact and public health significance of Cysticercus bovis at Bahir Dar Municipal Abattoir, Ethiopia. Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health, 10(1), 14-20.

6.Birhanu Tamirat, Habtamu Tamirat, Gashaw Bassazin, Tehetna Alemayhu & Muluken Tadesse(2017). Review on Necrotic Enteritis. British Journal of Poultry Sciences 6 (3): DOI: 10.5829/idosi.bjps.2017.63.72

7.Bersissa Kumsa, Habtamu Tamrat, Getachew Tadesse, Nigatu Aklilu & Rudi Cassini (2012. Prevalence and species composition of ixodid ticks infesting horses in three agro ecologies in central Oromia, Ethiopia.Tropical Animal Health and Production 44, 119–124.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11250-011-9897-y

8.Degu Tesfie, Habtamu Tamrat & Zeru Assefa (2018) Survey for the Determination of Prevalence of Piroplasmosis in Working Donkeys of Central Ethiopia. Rep Opinion; 10(9):23-29]. ISSN 1553-9873 (print); ISSN 2375-7205 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/report. 4. doi:10.7537/marsroj100918.04


 1.YemaneTekle(2021). Prevalence and risk factors of cryptosporidiosis in calves and hospitalized human in Libo Kemkem district, northwestern, Ethiopia

 2.Hailemariam Adugna(2021). Epidemiological study on Ixodid tick infestation and tick borne haemoparasites on cattle in Awi Zone, North West Ethiopia 

 3.Wudu Tagel(2021). Epidemiology and Economic Significant Of Ixodid Tick Infestation on Small Ruminant in Enarje Enawuga District, North Western Ethiopia  

 4.Amanuel Tesfahun(2020).Transmission Dynamics of Rabies In   Dogs In Libo Kemkem District, South Gondar Zone, Ethiopia

 5.Hailehizeb Cheru (2020). Epidemiology and species identification of  poultry coccidiosis in East Gojjam Zone, North West Ethiopia

 6.Befekadu Tefera (2019). Epidemiology of bovine trypanosomosis and efficacy trial on trypanocidal drug in tsetse infected areas, Amhara National Regional State, of northwest  Ethiopia

 7.Simegn Legesse (2019). Epidemiology of Sheep Lice and Efficacy Evaluation of 60% Diazinon and 1% Ivermectin against Bovicola ovis in Sayint District, South Wollo, Ethiopia


 1.Community-Based Breeding Improvement program for Washera Sheep in Birr Adama Watershed, West Gojjam, Amhara Region,Ethiopia,2013 E.C

 2.Community service on Provision of Holistic training for Ediget Le Robit saving and credit cooperative society,robit_Bata,Bahir Dar Zuria woreda, W/Gojjam zone ANRS,Ethiopia,2008 E.C

3.Rabies Prevention and Control in and around Bahir Dar City North Western Ethiopia.2008E.C 

4.Prevention and control of animal diseases at zenzelma area in CAES Veterinary clinic,2008E.C

5.Animal health Diagnosis and treatment free service at CAES veterinary clinic to the surrounding community in 2011 E.C

 6.Animal health Diagnosis and treatment free service at CAES veterinary clinic to the surrounding community in 2012 E.C

7.Animal health Diagnosis and treatment free service at CAES veterinary clinic to the surrounding community in 2013 E.C

8.Community awareness creation  on livestock diseases in Birr Adama Watershed, West Gojjam, Amhara Region,Ethiopia,2006 E.C

9.Animal health Diagnosis and treatment free service at CAES veterinary clinic to the surrounding community from October march 2020

 TRAINING GAINED                                  

 1.GIS climate Modeling Method

2.Basic Molecular Techniques used for diseases diagnosis and research

3.Competency assessor for TVET graduates 


1.Guideline  preparation on Livestock-industry precaution for Covid-19

2.Competency Accessory for Technical and Vocational Education and Training(TVET) graduates 

3.Laboratory guideline preparation for college of agriculture and environmental science, Bahir Day University

4.Reviewer of Veterinary Medicine and science journal which is index and Scopus

5.Media briefing about impact of Rabies for human and animal


1.Best Department Head of the year 2019/2020 of College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University

2.Recognition Certificate for serving as a reviewer for Veterinary Medicine and Science Journal


1.Essey Kebede (PhD, Associate professor), E-mail esseykebede@gmail.com,  mobile No: +251932808002, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia

2.Asaminew Tassew(PhD, Associate professor),E-mail asaminew2@gmail.com, mobile No: +251946069610, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia

3.Wudu Temersgen (Professor) E-mail: wudutemesgen@gmail.com,   Mobile No: +251918787235, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.