Tigist Mekonnen Abeje
Tigist Mekonnen Abeje
Tigist Mekonnen Abeje
Sentayehu Gebru Mengistu
Title : Mr.
Full name: Gulilat Menbere Tekleab
Nationality: Ethiopian
Academic Rank: Lecturer
Current Post, if any: Lecturer of Journalism and Communication
College/institute: Faculty of Humanities
Department/Team: Journalism and Communications
Sewmehon Alazar Gebey
Name: Miss Yemisirach Hailu Menigistu
Nationality: Ethiopian
Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer
Faculty: Humanities
Department: English language and literature
Field of Specialization: Media and communication (In progress)
Contact Address: E-mail yemihhailumeng@gmail.com Phone no: 0977324359
Research interest: African literature
Full name : Zelalem Getnet Tilahun
Nationality: Ethiopian
Academic Rank: Lecturer
Current Post, if any
College/institute : Faculty of Humanities
Department/Team : English Language and Literature
Field of specialization : Multicultural and Multilingual Education
Title: Instructor
Full name: Samuel Seid Yimam
Nationality: Ethiopian
Academic Rank: Lecturer
Current Post, if any:
College/institute: Humanities Faculty
Department/Team: English Language and Literature
Field of specialization: English Literature
Research interest: literary criticism on different issues like identity, disability, childhood, social challenges, gender; literature and language teaching.
Aginichie Anagaw Sivila