
Announcement of winning a project -Li4LaM

Gish Abay

27 Apr, 2024


ERASMUS+ is a European Union funding program in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. The program focuses on quality education and intercultural understanding ( Land  information for Land Management (Li4LaM) is a program in the thematic area of the capacity building grant of ERASMUS+ program.

Li4LaM is a three years project prepared and to be executed by the consortium effort of eight universities (four from European and four from Ethiopia). These universities are Bahir Dar Universites (BDU), Debre Markos University (DMU), Weldia University (WU), and Addis Ababa University (AAU) from Ethiopia; and University of Natural Resource and Life Sciences (BOKU) and Technical University of Vienna (TUW) in Austria; University of Agriculture in Krawkow (UAK), Poland; and University of Ljubljana(UL), Slovenia.

The Li4LaM project   proposal was designed in line with the primary focus area of the funding agency and accordingly the proposal is accepted for funding starting from January 2023. This project focuses on the following work packages: elaboration of conceptual framework for modules; capacity building; elaboration of teaching materials; materials purchase and supply; pilots and roll-out of courses; lifelong learning; and quality assurance evaluation.

The University is grateful to the European Union funding agency in general and ERASMUS+ programme in particular for accepting our project proposal for funding. We are also thankful to all the institutions who participated in preparing this winning project proposal with special thanks to the Institute of Land Administration (ILA) at BDU, Geomatic institute at BOKU and the research group of Geoinformation at TUW. The success of the grant can be evaluated by the great commitment to execute the work packages and achieving targeted deliverables. Accordingly the university wants to describe its commitment for the successful implementation of the project. 

NB., To see details about the networking of the institute of land administration at Bahir Dar University, please visit the institute website at