FMIE Seminars

List of some seminars presented under Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Faculty


S. No

About the Presenter

Title of the presenter






Maereg Marye (PhD Student)

Externship experience sharing


BIT Seminar Room




Dr. Muralidhar Avvari

Development and characterization of MIM components in improving resistance to high temperature wear and oxidation


BIT Seminar Room





Introduction to Genetic Algorithm


BIT Seminar Room


Prof. Hilary I. Inyang.

Climate Change Impacts And Appropriate Management Techniques For Ethiopia

Friday, November 22, 2019 @ 2:00 – 4:00 Pm

BIT Seminar Room


Prof. Hilary I. Inyang.

Dust Control With Aqueous Polymers

Friday, November 29, 2019 @ 2:00 – 4:00 Pm

BIT Seminar Room


Mr. Kalkidan Melekamu 

Summer externship report at Gondar Malt factory

 Friday, March 26, 2021

 BIT Seminar Room



Mr. Teshome Bekele A bi-layer energy conservation model against uncertainty for industrial air-conditioning systemFriday, 02/04/2021. virtually
8Dr. Addisu NegashThe role of interphase on the advancements of composite materials applications Friday, 02/04/2021BIT Seminar Room
9Dr. D.K.Nageswara RaoInnovation through BiomimeticSFriday, 09/04/2021BIT Seminar Room
10 Mr. Mareg Marye Multi-Depot General Share-a-Ride Problem: A Mathematical Model and A Simulated Annealing HeuristicFriday, 16/04/2021 virtually
11Mr. Yonas Mitiku (Associate Professor of Mechanical (Design) Engineering) Could water hyacinth the threat of Ethiopian water bodies be an opportunity? Friday, 21/05/2021. BIT Seminar Room
12Dr. Ermias Koricho

 Personal Protection,

Blast and Shock Wave  and

Vehicle Design and Acoustic

 Wednesday Morning (11/09/2013)

Thursday Morning (12/09/2013)

Thursday Afternoon (12/09/2013)

 BIT Seminar Room

 Mr. Gedefaye Achamu


Demonstrating the Interplay of Machine learning and optimization methods for operational planning Decision 25/06/2021 BIT Seminar Room
14 Mr. Migbar Shibabaw A new approach for an Integrated Design Framework for Virtual Enterprise Based Customer-Oriented Product Service Systems  Friday, 29/10/2021 virtually
151. Smegnew Moges
2. Ermias Melkamu
3. Samuel Getachew
Externship Presentation January 28, 2022 BIT Seminar Room
16 Dr.-Ing. Melak ZebenayHow to save humankind from unexpected asteroid strikes21/02/2022Washera Hall (Hall 3 )

 Dr. Bereket Haile and

Dr. Prabhakar Sekar

 Opportunities and c TRIAL hallenges of doing research in developing countries and 

Latest trends in Automobile 

 Friday, April 1/2022  Kehas hall 

 Mr. Semegnew and 

Mr. Samuel Getachew

 Safe and Reliable Harvesting Technologies Proposed for Ethiopian Agriculture

 Externship Experience in Kotebe Metal Tools Factory (KMTF)

 Friday April 8 2022 BIT Seminar Room
19Mr. Lealem TilahunReview of Research on Aerodynamic Drag and Lift Reduction of Vehicles by application of Passive Flow control methods Friday, April 15, 2022BIT Seminar Room
20 Mr. Muluken AbebeConcept on Industry 4.0 for SMEs Challenges, Opportunities and RequirementsFriday, April 29, 2022. BIT Seminar Room
21Mr. Aragaw MExternship Experience and Assessment in Amhara Metal Industry and Machine Technology Development Enterprise Friday, May 13, 2022BIT Seminar Room

Mr. Tereche Getnet,


Externship Experience and Research Investigation in National Alcohol and Liquor Factory, Addis Ababa


Friday, May 27, 2022.BIT Seminar Room

Ms. Abeba Desalegn 


Externship experience on Lamediary PLC,Addis AbabaFriday, May 27, 2022.BIT Seminar Room
 Mr. Abiyu MershaExternship experience on DATI uplift technologyFriday, May 27, 2022.BIT Seminar Room
23Dr. Shimelis T.Innovation value chain: a systematic and narrative reviewFriday, June 24, 2022. BIT Seminar Room
24Dr. Geta KidanemariamChallenges in Tef MechanizationFriday, July 1, 2022BIT Seminar Room
25Mr. Birhanu AdisieBusiness proposal on establishing vehicle maintenance shop for BDU owned vehiclesFriday, July 8, 2022BIT Seminar Room

