FMIE Chair Holders


Manufacturing Engineering Chair

Assefa Asmare Tsegaw (PhD)

Associate Professor, Precision Manufacture and Metrology Engineering

Manufacturing Engineering Chair Holder 



Mobile: +251918703107

Office: New Building

Manufacturing Engineering is a branch of professional engineering that shares many common concepts and ideas with other fields of engineering such as mechanical, chemical, electrical, and industrial engineering. Manufacturing engineering requires the ability to plan the practices of manufacturing; to research and to develop tools, processes, machines and equipment; and to integrate the facilities and systems for producing quality products with the optimum expenditure of capital.
The manufacturing engineers are designers, as well as analytical and creative thinkers. primary focus is to turn raw material into an updated or new product in the most effective, efficient & economic way possible; focus on the design, development and operation of integrated systems of production to obtain high quality & economically competitive products. These systems may include material handling equipment, machine tools, robots or even computers or networks of computers. 
Manufacturing Engineering is based on core mechanical engineering skills, adding important elements from mechatronics, commerce, economics and business management. This field also deals with the integration of different facilities and systems for producing quality products (with optimal expenditure) by applying the principles of physics and the results of manufacturing systems studies, such as the following: Craft; Putting-out system; Advanced joining of ferrous, nonferrous and composite materials; Advanced foundry engineering; Metrology engineering; Mass production; Computer integrated manufacturing; Computer-aided technologies in manufacturing; Flexible manufacturing; Mass customization; Agile manufacturing; Rapid manufacturing etc. 

Mechanical Design Chair


 Addisu Negash Ali (PhD) 

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Design Engineering Chair Holder 


Mobile: +251930524952 

Office: Korea Building 2nd floor # 202-5

Mechanical Design is one of the chair systems in in the Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and includes a wide range of technical fields to play a major role in scientific and technological development in specialized fields such as Mechanics of Materials, Structural Design and Optimization, Materials Design and Processing, Product Testing and Evaluation, Product Design and Development, and Manufacturing Process Technologies. It is important to concentrate on the design processes to enhance the sustainability of the manufacturing sector in the country. Most prominently, the design includes concept generation, analysis, optimization, modeling, testing and validation processes for the development of fully functional technologies. The involvement of numerical modeling in the design process is a key element for design and manufacturing to effectively realize the process technology and its full functionality at a lower cost.
The main goals of the chair are to produce competent professionals and to build the manpower capacity in the fields of mechanical design at bachelor, masters and PhD levels. To achieve these goals, the chair is organized: 
To conduct advanced research in the areas of materials development, mechanical systems design, casting and metallurgy, biomechanics and rehabilitation, energy, agricultural technologies, additive manufacturing, and computational methods and design optimization.
To effectively coordinate and support the Teaching and Learning, Research and Innovation, and Technology Transfer and Community Engagement activities in the Mechanical Design Chair to achieve the goals and mission of Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University

Automotive and Electromechanical Engineering Chair

      Birhanu Adisie

Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering 

Automotive and Electromechanical Engineering Chair Holder



Mobile: +251-983-164-040 

Office: Korea Building 2nd floor #202-4

Automotive and Electromechanical Engineering Chair is one of the chair systems in the Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. In this chair system, there are two departments: Automotive Engineering and Electromechanical Engineering; Automotive Engineering is a branch study of engineering which teaches manufacturing, designing, mechanical mechanisms as well operations of automobiles. It is an introduction to vehicle engineering which deals with motorcycles, cars, buses, trucks, etc. It includes branch study of mechanical, electronic and safety elements. On other hand, Electromechanical Engineering refers to the analysis, design, manufacture and maintenance of equipment and products based on the combination of electrical/electronic circuits, computer programming language algorithms and mechanical systems. These two department plays a vital role in scientific and technological development projects for new products beyond the traditional domain.
The main goals of the chair are to produce competent professionals and to build the manpower capacity in the fields of Automotive and Electromechanical Engineering at bachelor and masters levels. To achieve these goals, the chair is organized as follows: 
To provide the student adequate knowledge and skill of basic Automotive engineering concepts, working principles related to design, manufacturing, service and maintenance. In addition understand and implement the procedure for pollution control, legal aspects such as automotive act, fleet management, insurance, registration of vehicles under different State body control, emission standards. 
To produce skilled and knowledgeable graduates to fill the existing national and international man power demands in Electro-Mechanical Engineering discipline. By including Robotics, Computer vision, Control, Electronics and Embedded system, Automation, Instrumentation, and Artificial Intelligence; such as providing the concepts, procedures, operation and analysis techniques necessary to design electromechanical elements commonly found in electromechanical devices that are needed for the industrial development of the country.

Agricultural Mechanization Engineering Chair

Geta Kidanemariam (PhD)

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (Design Engineering)

Agricultural Mechanization Engineering Chair Holder



Mobile: +251911824066

Office: Block NDD-8 #203

The chair of Agricultural Mechanization Engineering is one of the chairs under Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. The Chair is currently hosting PhD and MSc program in Agricultural Mechanization Engineering and co-hosting PhD program in Agricultural Machinery Engineering. Under this chair, a total  of 9 staffs are under duties  of which 1 Adjunct professor, 1 PhD (Assistant Professor), 1 PhD candidate and 4 MSc staffs of which 1MSc on study leaves, 2 Technical Assistant. The chair is established under the basement of Agro-mechanics Department which was among the first five pillars of Polytechnic Institute on which BiT follow a foot print of the Institute.  
Agricultural Mechanization embraces  design, develop,  manufacture and evaluate agricultural tools, implements, equipment and machines for agricultural production such as  land development (preparation), crop and livestock production, harvesting, post-harvesting and storage; irrigation equipment; agro-processing and rural transportation. The Agricultural Mechanization Engineering Chair is heavily involved in teaching, applied research and consultancy.
The main objectives of the chair are:
To provide education and training for  postgraduates, graduates,  operators, mechanics, manufacturers   and   extension workers  about  operation, repair and maintenance, distribution, utilization and management of agricultural tools, implements, equipment and machines in agriculture. 
To conduct research and  provide community service by actively engaging the society who benefit from it.  
To provide consultancy service to needy stake holders related to Agricultural Mechanization.

Production Systems Engineering Chair

Betsha Tizazu Abreham (PhD)

Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering

Production Systems Engineering Chair Holder



Mobile: +251983076350

Office: Agri. Building 56

Production System Engineering (PSE) is a chair under the industrial engineering program, faculty of mechanical and industrial engineering at Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University. The PSE chair is working hard to attain an excellent teaching-learning process, research and publication, technology transfer, and community engagement.SE lays a solid foundation to become a professional with knowledge of engineering and management aspects of production and their interactions. Engineering aspects include manufacturing technology, automation, operation, maintenance, quality aspects, production development tools, methods as well as software, and integration. The management aspect includes the systematic decision-making, operation strategy, planning, control, and management of the resources essential to the realization of a sustainable production environment.The PES focuses on theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills, which are taught through project courses, individual and group assignments/projects, individual and group laboratory work, and industrial visits. Furthermore, renowned researchers and industrial professionals are asked to share their knowledge with our students to retain relevance to the state-of-the-art industrial advances and research.This chair system main themes are:
  • Production planning, scheduling, and control.
  • Materials handling, and storage systems design and control. 
  • Analytical and simulation models to improve and optimize the design, planning, and control of the overall production systems. 
  • Modeling, designing, planning, controlling, and performance analysis of manufacturing systems.
  • Continuously improving material flow in a manner that enhances the quality of the final product and service while reducing the costs to consumers. 
  • Designing of products and processes to make them compatible with manufacturing and assembly processes.
  • Application of computers to control manufacturing systems and robots in flexible assembly.
  • Determining optimal product mix and production routes.

Industrial Design and Management Science Chair

Bereket Haile (PhD) 

Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering

Industrial Design and Management Science Chair Holder




Office: Ghion Building, number: 202

Industrial Design and Management Science (IDMs) is under the industrial engineering program within Bahir institute of technology, faculty of mechanical and industrial engineering. IDMs chair is working hard to achieve excellence in teaching and the learning process, research, and publication, and community service and technology transfer which result from the betterment of the program.
Specifically, the IDMs chair focuses on the systematic and creative application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture, operation, and engineering management of efficient and economical industrial machines, processes, and systems. Moreover, consultation and community service activities on the improvement of productivity, quality, safety, working conditions, and resource management make the chair valuable to factories and service organizations. The mission of the chair is to generate cutting-edge knowledge at the intersection of engineering and management through quality teaching-learning, problem-solving research, and community service activity. Application areas of the chair cover from manufacturing and production to the business and public sectors.
Under IDMs chair there is an industrial management master’s program. The program has an objective to train students’ industrial management concepts, principles, and practices which enable them to manage and lead professionally and ethically industrial projects, industrial setups, and supportive institutions that increase the competitiveness of business firms both in the national and international market under the dynamic environment.

Thermal Engineering Chair 

Gebeyehu Tebabal 

Lecturer in Thermal Engineering 

Thermal Engineering Chair Holder 



Mobile: +251918377681

Office: Agri. Building 100

To designed and solve various problems in Power generation (Hydro, wind, solar and Geothermal), refrigeration and air conditioning, energy for Process industries, turbo machine component design industries, textile and  agro  based  industries,  aviation  industries  and similar disciplines in mechanical engineering. A student who graduates with this specialization can work at higher education institution as trainers of undergraduates. They can serve process industries and energy planning and development tasks. 
To design and optimization of different thermal equipment’s like heat exchanger, turbines, aerospace propulsion system, heating and ventilation system and refrigeration systems and equipment and processes that utilize thermal primary energy resources and also on the design, performance analysis of fluid machines.