Anteneh Aweke (PhD) is an Associate Professor in the department of Ethiopian Language (s) & Literature – Amharic at Bahir Dar University. He joined in 1993.
Field of specialization: Literature
Research interest: Amharic Literature - history of Amharic literature and its genres, styles, techniques, and themes, Amharic Oral literature, Interaction between the oral and the written, The influence of Geez upon Amharic Literature
Community service interest:
Editing creative works; giving training on how to write literature, the function of literature, reading etc.
List of publications and conference papers:
§ “The Representation of the Exile of Emperor Haileselassie in Selected Amharic Novels”, Baselius Researcher: Biannual Journal of Interdisciplinary studies and Research. Vol. 18, no 2. July – December 2017. Baselius College, KOTTAYAM NAAC Reaccredited @A(3.11).
§ የመጽሐፍግምገማ፡፡ InJournal of Language, Culture and Communication, Vol. 2, no 1, June 2017.
§ ‹‹የቅውድ መግለጫዎች ትንተና በተመረጡ የአማርኛ ሥነጽሑፍ መጽሐፎች››፡፡የኢትዮጵያ ጥናት መጽሔት፡፡ቅጽ 50፣ዴሰምበር 2017፡፡አዲስ አበባ ዩነቨርስቲ፡፡ገጽ 73 – 108፡፡
§ ‹‹ዳግም ንባብ በአልወለድም››፣. In Journal of Language, Culture and Communication, Vol. I, no 1, June 2016.
§ ‹‹የቃላዊና ጽሑፋዊ ግጥሞች መስተጋብር በተመረጡ ያማርኛ ግጥሞች›› . የኢትዮጵያ ጥናት መጽሔት፣ ቅጽ. 43, 2010, አዲስአበባዩኒቨርስቲ, ገጽ 31 – 74.
§ ‹‹ያማርኛ ሥነቃል አጭር ቅኝት››፡፡የአማራ ሕዝብ ባህልና ቋንቋ፡፡ የአማራ ብሄራዊ ክልላዊ መንግስት የባህልና ቱሪዝም ቢሮ፡፡ 2001ዓ.ም. ፤ባህር ዳር፡፡ገጽ 105 – 140፡፡
§ ‹‹ያማርኛ ሥነጽሑፍ ባሳለፍነው ሚሊኒየም››፡፡የአማራ ሕዝብ ባህልና ቋንቋ፡፡ የአማራ ብሄራዊ ክልላዊ መንግስት የባህልና ቱሪዝም ቢሮ፡፡ 2001 ዓ.ም. ፤ባህር ዳር፡፡ገጽ 141 – 183፡፡
§ ተስፋየ አበራ እና አንተነህ አወቀ፡፡ የአማርኛ ሐተታ ልቦለድ፡፡ አዲስ አበባ፣የኢትዮጵያ ትምህርት መሳሪያዎች ኤጀንሲ፣ 1994፡፡
Conference Papers
§ ሥነጽሑፍለሰላም/ግጭት ያበረከተውአስተዋጽዖበዛሬይቱኢትዮጵያ፣ደብረማርቆስዩኒቨርስቲየቀረበ, 2011
§ Presentation on ‹‹New Historicism›› at the 2nd Monthly Historical Seminar, organized by the department of History and Heritage Management of the Faculty of social Sciences at BDU
§ ‹‹ዳግምንባባበአልወለድም›› ለአማርኛቋንቋናባህልዘርፎችሶስተኛውአገርአቀፍዓውደጥናትላይየቀረበ
§ የመጽሐፍግምገማ (እመጓ) ቀረባ፣ባህርዳርዩኒቨርስቲየመጽሐፉምረቃላይr, የአማርኛቋንቋማበልጸጊያተቋምያዘጋጀው
§ የመጽሐፍግምገማ (አለመኖር) ቀረባ በባህርዳርዩኒቨርስቲማኅበረሰብአገለግሎትጽ/ቤትእናበአማርኛቋንቋማበልጸጊያተቋምትብብረበተዘጋጀውይይትላይየቀረበ
§ ‹‹የመረቅመባያመንገዶች›› ሂዩማኒቲስፋኩሊቲአርብሰሚናርላይየቀረበ)
§ ‹‹የቅውድመግለጫዎችትንተናበተመረጡየአማርኛሥነጽሑፎች›› ለአማርኛቋንቋናባህልዘርፎችሁለተኛውአገርአቀፍአውደጥናትላይየቀረበ
§ Amharic Literature the past, the present and the future, Bahir Dar University፣በአፍሪካዳራሲያንባህርዳርበተገኙበትወቅትበተዘጋጀአውደጥናትላይየቀረበ
§ የአማርናቃላዊየተቃውሞግጥሞች፡፡ 14ኛውሜይኢዱኬሽናልሰሚናርላይየቀረበ፣ባህርዳርዩኒቨርስቲ
§ የአማርኛሥነጽሑፍቅኝትአጭርዳሰሳ፡፡ a paper presented on the question of the Language and History of People of Amhara. Bahir Dar. 1999E.C.
§ የአማርኛሥነቃልፋይዳ፤ A paper presented on the question of the Language and History of People of Amhara .Bahir Dar:Bahir Dar University. 1999E.C.
§ ሥነቃልበአማርኛጽሁፋዊግጥሞች፣ A paper presented in Department Seminar,
§ ፎክሎርንተግባርላይማዋል፤ A paper presented on the occasion of the introduction of folklore program established in Bahir Dar University,.
§ ዳግምንባብበአልወለድም፣ለአማርኛቋንቋናባህልዘርፎችሶስተኛውአገርአቀፍአውደጥናትላይየቀረበ
§ ፎክሎርናልማት፣በባህርዳርዩኒቨርስቲእናበአማራብሄራዊክልልባህልቢሮትብብርየተዘጋጀአውደጥናትላይየቀረበ