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Tewodros Alebel Mekonnen
Academic Rank
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Title:- Mr.

·         Full name:- Tewodros Alebel Mekonnen

·         Nationality:- Ethiopian

Academic Rank:- Lecturer

·         Current Post:- (PhD student/candidate at BDU)

·         College/institute:- Humanities

·         Department/Team_ Ethiopian Languages and Literature- Amharic

·         Field of specialization_ Ethiopian Literature and Folklore

·         Research interest:- Interdisiciplinarity of Literature; Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, Literature and Psychology, Postmodernism and literature, The Fate and Form of Amharic Literature in Contemporary Global Context.

·         Publications

  • ልጅነትበዘላንእናአለንጋናምስር፤ሥነልቡናዊንባብ
  • የሥነጽሑፋዊአስተማስሎእናየሳይንስመሠረተሃሳቦችና  “ቅን” (Basic) ደንቦችውህደትበአዳምረታዘላን

·         Contact Address: