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Berhanu Engidaw Getahun (PhD)
Academic Rank
Assistant Professor

  Title: Assistant Professor

        Full name: Berhanu Engidaw Getahun

        Nationality: Ethiopian

        Academic Rank: PhD

        Current Post, if any:

        College/institute: Humanities

        Department/Team:  English language and literature

        Field of specialization: Applied linguistics and communication

        Research interest: TEFL, Sociolinguistics, Health communication, Discourse analysis


Engidaw, Berhanu. (2014). Teacher Trainers' and Trainees' Perceptions, Practices, and          Constraints to Active Learning Methods: The Case of English Department in Bahir Dar        University. Educational Research and Reviews, volume 9 (20), p981-990,

Getahun, Berhanu Engidaw. (2014). A content analysis of Amharic Songs on Nile River. Journal    of Arts and Humanities. Vol. 3 No. 7

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