Title: Dr
Full name: Abiyu Asmamaw Nigatu
Nationality: Ethiopian
Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
Current position at BDU: Course Chair, Post Graduate Program
Faculty: Humanities
Department/Team: Folklore (Culture Studies)
Field of specialization: Folklore
Research interest: Traditional Medicine,Material Culture,Ritual and Festival,Oral History (oral tradition) Documentation and archiving, Cultural diversity,Cultural Values,
Abiyu Asmamaw, Abebe Kelemework, A.Tora, Tsigie Amberbir, Getnet Agedew, K. Deribe, G. Davey. 2016. ‘Why should I worry, since I have healthy feet?’ A qualitative study exploring barriers to use of footwear among rural community members in northern Ethiopia. BMJ Open; 1 March 2016. Vol. 6. https://www.semanticscholar.org/author/Abiyu-Asmamaw/7537060
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Contact Address: email, Tel, Fax, P.O. Box
Telephone:251-91 324 9156
E-mail: abiasmamaw@gmail.com
P.O. Box: BDU 79