Edmialem Gedefaye Mehretie (PhD)
Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia.
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Bahirdar, Ethiopia
Phone: +251-931808872,
e-mail: edemisha@gmail.com /edemialem.gedefaye@bdu.edu.et
Professional Experience:-
S.No. | Organization | Position | Period of Work |
1 | Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia | Assistance Professor | From July 23, 2024, up to now |
1. | Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia | Lecturer | From 30,6.2012 up to July 22, 2024 |
2. | Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia | Dean for Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering | from February 16, 2016, to August 6, 2017 |
3. | Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia | Lecturer & Academic Program Officer for the Faculty of Electrical Engineering | from January 2014 to February 16, 2016 |
4. | Debre - Markos House Development Agency, Ethiopia. | Electrical Supervisor | From July 2010 to December 2010
Professional Activities
Research Member
- Member of Bahir Dar City Structural plan preparation, Electrical and Communication sub-team, BDU-Ethiopia
- Research Member of real-time leaf disease detection, which is guaranteed by Bahir Dar Institute of Technology Fund, BDU-Ethiopia
- Internal Supervisor for Automatic Injera Mitad Design, guaranteed by Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, BDU-Ethiopia
Professional Affiliation:-
1. Member of Ethiopian Electrical Engineers Society (EEES)
2. Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) until 2018
- E. Gedefaye et al., Application of system-based solar photovoltaic microgrid for
residential real estate, International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa, 64 (2023),
117–32. - E. Gedefaye et al., Application of a modified particle swarm optimization for maximum
power point tracking for solar photovoltaic systems, International Journal of Engineering
Research in Africa, 66 (2023), 111–127. - Channamallikarjuna Mattihalli, Edemialem Gedefaye, Fasil Endalamaw, Adugna Necho “Plant leaf diseases detection and auto-medicine” Elsevier, Science Direct, Internet of things (2018)
- Ahunim A, Dr. A. Pushparaghavan, Edemialem G. “A study on Optimal Design Feasibility of Microgrid Power System for Rural Electrification: Amhara Region Ethiopia” Asian Journal of Electrical Sciences (AJES), 2018.
- Dr. K.E.Ch.Vidya Sagar and Edemialem Gedefaye “Review of Advanced ATM Machines with a Near Field Communication System” International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research, Vol 06 No. 07, February, 2017.
International Conference:-
- Edemialem. G, et al., Parameter identification of a single diode solar photovoltaic model
using particle swarm optimization hybrid with the Newton-Raphson method, EAI ICAST
11th Int. Conf. Renew. Energy Power Eng., Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, 2023 (Accepted and
presented) - Edemialem G., Samuel L., Tassew T., and Tefera T., “Solar PV Energy Conversion Simulation ”, at the 9th International Conference on the advancements of Science and Technology (ICAST-2021) Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, August 27-29,2021.
- Edemialem. G. et al., Simulation development of multi-axis PV system tracker, 2019 IEEE
2nd Int. Conf. Renew. Energy Power Engineering, (2019), 38–42.
- Channamallikarjuna M., Edemialem G., Fasil E., and Adugna N., “Real-time Automation of Agriculture Land, by Automatically Detecting Plant Leaf Diseases and Auto Medicine ”, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, Poland, March 2018.
National Conference Paper;-
1. E. Gedefaye et al., Modeling, validation, and simulation of solar photovoltaic modules
and cell parameter extraction using the Newton-Raphson method, 3rd African Graduate
Students Conference, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia (AGSC III-BDU-2023).
Teaching material (Laboratory Manual not published, only for BiT-BDU Consumption)
- Laboratory manual “Power System II” by Mr. Edemialem G. and Mr. Minyahil T.
- Laboratory manual “Fundamental of Electrical Engineering” by Mr. Edemialem G. and Mr. Amare K.
- Laboratory manual “Computer Aided Application in Power System” by Mr. Edemialem G. and Mr. Minyahil T.
- Laboratory manual “Electrical Workshop I” by Mr. Edemialem G. and Mr. Minyahil T.
Training and Awards
No. | Certificate award | Trainers/organization | Training duration |
1. | Solar PV installation for rural health centers | GIZ | 15 days |
2 | Electrical Machines, Control, Power Electronics, and Communication Laboratory Certificate | De-Lorenzo SPA-Italy and Synergy PLC at Woldia University | 5 days |
3. | Transformational leadership and Educational leadership Certificate | Bahir Dar University | 7 days |
4. | Higher Diploma Certificate (HDP | Bahir Dar University | 1 year |
5. | Household PV-solar System Training | Chainize Company | 5days |
6. | Trainer of Training Certificate on “Gender Issue” | GIZ & Bahir Dar University | 3 days |
Software Exposure:-
- High Proficiency knowledge of Optimization algorithms
- Programming languages Such as MATLAB, C++, AutoCAD
- Power System Software like Power World Simulator, ETAP, DegSalent, ,and HOMER.
- High Proficiency skill of basic computer skills
Project Done:-
Ph.D. Planning and Design of AC-Coupled Semi-Autonomous Solar Photovoltaic Microgrid: An
Energy Solution for Residential Complex
MSc. Implementation of solar-hydro hybrid power system for rural electrification for productive use
BSc.: Profanity Delay for On-line Radio Transmission
Details of Conference/Workshops Attended:-
- Attended the International Conference on Advancements of Science and Technology (EAI ICAST), Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, 2017–2023.
- Participated in a three-day seminar on “Connectivity of Smart City,” Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
- Attended a two-day seminar on “Cotton, Textile, and Apparel Value Chain in Africa,” Ethiopian Institute of Textile and Fashion Technology (EiTEX), Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia, June 3–4, 2016.
- Participated in a one-day seminar on Micro-hydro Generation Projects, organized by Amhara Energy Center in collaboration with a Japanese organization.
Additional responsibilities:-
- Served as a reviewer for the International Conference on Advancements of Science and Technology (EAI ICAST), Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, 2019–2022 and 2024 G.C.
- Served as a member of Bahir Dar City Structural plan preparation, Electrical and Communication sub-team, BDU-Ethiopia, 2021.
- Participated as a framing member in establishing the Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Laboratory for EiTEX at Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia.
- Reviewed substation designs for Abay Trading Metal Factory in Bahir Dar City and a cement factory in Dejen City, Ethiopia.
- Served as a board member of BiT Trading from August 5, 2016, to August 6, 2017.
- Delivered one-day training on solar plant installation for the Amhara Statistics Data Surveyor Team members.
- Acted as a technical member of the Bahir Dar Zuria Yibab Village Solar Water Pumping Maintenance Team, Ethiopia.
Professional References:
S.No | Name | Position | Address, Phone No & email address |
1. | Dr. Samuel Lakeou | Professor Emeritus
| University of the District of Columbia,USA Email: slakeou@udc.edu |
2. |
| Assistant Professor of FECE
| BiT-BDU, Ethiopia, Email: tasstad@gmail.com Phone: +251-918 -763510 |
3. | Dr. Tefera Terefe | Associate Professor of FECE
| FECE-ASTU, Ethiopia Email: tefera06@gmail.com Phone: +251-911312830 |