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Academic Rank
Assistant Professor
Biniyam Zemene Taye
Tana building office number 68


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1. Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Etiopia, MSc in Electrical Power Systems Engineering,

November 2015

2. Adama University, Adama, Etionpia, Bed in Electrical Electronics Technology, 2009

Work Experience

1. From December 02, 2021 till now, Assistant Professor at Faculty of Electrical and

Computer Engineering, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology (BiT), Bahir Dar University.

2. From July 08, 2018 to December 01, 2021, Lecturer at Faculty of Electrical and

Computer Engineering, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology (BiT), Bahir Dar University.

3. From July 08, 2018 to December 01, 2021, Lecturer at School of Electrical and Computer

Engineering, Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle (EiT-M), Mekelle University.

Leadership Experience

1. From Mar 10, 2021 till now, Director of Bahir Dar Energy Center, Bahir Dar Institute of

Technology (BiT), Bahir Dar University.

4. From Mar 23, 2020 to Mar 09, 2021, Chair head of Energy and Electrical Power

Engineering, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Bahir Dar Institute of

Technology (BiT), Bahir Dar University.

2. From May 10, 2016 to July 02, 2018, Chair head of Electrical Power Engineering, School

of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle

(EiT-M), Mekelle University.

Grants and Project Participation

1. PI of a research project on Rural Electrification Planning Using Geographic Information

System - the case of West Gojjam and North Gondar Zone. Funded by Bahir Dar Institute

of Technology-Bahir Dar University, 2020

2. Co-PI of a research project on Improving Power Quality Problems of Industries: A Case

Study of Dashen Brewery Factory. Funded by Bahir Dar Institute of Technology-Bahir

Dar University, 2020

3. Co-PI of a research project on 1. Integrated irrigation, water supply and

electrification development. Funded by Bahir Dar University, 2020

Research and Publication:


1. B. Z. Taye, A. H. Nebey, and T. G. Workineh, “Design of floating solar PV system for

typical household on Debre Mariam Island,” Cogent Eng., vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 2020, doi:


2. B. Z. Taye, T. G. Workineh, A. H. Nebey, and H. A. Kefale, “Rural electrification

planning using Geographic Information System (GIS),” Cogent Eng., vol. 7, no. 1, Jan.

2020, doi: 10.1080/23311916.2020.1836730.

3. T. G. Workineh, B. Z. Taye, A. H. Nebey, and E. M. Getie, “PI-like fuzzy based

synchronous SEPIC converter control for PV-fed small scale irrigation DC pump,”, vol. 8, no. 1, 2021, doi:


4. A. H. Nebey, B. Z. Taye, and T. G. Workineh, “GIS-Based Irrigation Dams Potential

Assessment of Floating Solar PV System,” J. Energy, vol. 2020, pp. 1–10, May 2020,

doi: 10.1155/2020/1268493.

5. A. H. Nebey, B. Z. Taye, and T. G. Workineh, “Site Suitability Analysis of Solar PV

Power Generation in South Gondar, Amhara Region,” J. Energy, vol. 2020, pp. 1–15,

May 2020, doi: 10.1155/2020/3519257.


1. T. G. Workineh, B. Z. Taye, and A. H. Nebey, “Design and performance Analysis of

125MW Floating photovoltaic power plant in Ethiopia: Metema Vs Lake Tana,” ICAST

2021: - 9th EAI International Conference on Advances of Science and Technology, pp.

184-195, Jan. 2022, (Oral presentation)

Book chapter


1. A.K. Worku, D.W. Ayele, N.G. Habtu, B.T. Admasu, G.A. Melas, B.Z. Taye and T.A.

Yemata, “Energy Storage Technologies; Recent Advances, Challenges, and

Prospectives,” Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-0979-5

Community Engagement Technology Transfer:

Community Engagement

1. Integrated irrigation, water supply and electrification development, from September

2021– March 2022

2. Design and development of solar based DC/AC power supply to light and charge

electronic devices, from November 2021 – March 2022

3. Solar PV system and Electrical installation design training, on February 2020.

4. Maintenance of burned automatic transfer switch (ATS) coil, on February 2020.

5. Automatic soap dispenser for poly staff lounge” on February 2020

6. Contribution made to the commercial bank of Ethiopian for fighting COVID-19 on

September 09/08/2020.

7. Electrical installation design for Gimja Bet and Debre work elementary school

building for FGCF project office from December 17-31/2019

Technology Transfer

1. Design and Manufacturing of Low-cost Solar Panels for Energy Deprived Rural

Areas of Ethiopia (Co-PI), 2020 Bahir Dar University UIL office.

Research Interest

1. Microgrid

2. Smart microgrid and automation

3. Power Electronics and Electrical Drives

4. High Voltage Engineering