Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering Management (MSc)


Rationale of the Graduate Program

The postgraduate program (MSc/MEng) in Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering deals primarily on water demand, water source, water treatment, water transport and distribution, plumbing installation, sewerage and urban drainage system modeling, assessment of sanitation technology and system, solid and liquid waste management and reuse, and water and wastewater quality management and modeling. Studies in water supply and sanitary engineering include topics on water transport and distribution, water quality and treatment, solid waste and wastewater collection, treatment, management and reuse prior to discharging into the environment, planning of sanitation systems.

In general, the program is designed in the way to tackle the problems associated to water supply and sanitation (environmental pollution due to improper management of liquid and solid waste) and to achieve better results through the provision of appropriate and advanced courses at a post graduate level. The content of the courses has been carefully designed in such a way that they can provide the required knowledge and skill to the post-graduate students. Thus the program is believed to enable the graduates to be capable of identifying the essence of water supply and sanitation related problems to research on it, to develop a suitable model and propose optimal solutions to solve it independently.

The most important rationale for developing a postgraduate program in Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering is the need of the country’s development for skilled manpower that is capable of handling more complex water supply and sanitation problems with little or no guidance. Such trained manpower is known to be instrumental to the effective implementation of national development programs. It is imperative that the country’s Growth and Transformation Plans (GTPs) have identified many mega projects and different infrastructure developments and made them at the center of the plan. Most of the projects and infrastructures are water resources related that needs the involvement of high skilled professionals. Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering is therefore one of the most important discipline which most required for the proper and efficient realization of the plans.

Other rationales include:

  • The growth and transformation plan of the government and the considerable need of Water Supply and Sanitary Engineers by governmental and non-governmental organization.
  • Enhance research activities through joint efforts of institute staff and post graduate students, whereby staff members mostly play the role of identifying research topics and guidance and thus get the time they need for working on many research topics at the same time.
  • Producing skilled manpower (instructors) for emerging universities

Objectives of the Graduate Program

The primary objective of the graduate program in Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering is to train high-level professionals who are capable of researching and solving practical water supply and sanitation problems in various developments and management works. In the process, the staff members of the civil and water resources engineering faculty can share the research experience with the scholars.

The specific objectives of the master’s program in Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering are:

         i.            To produce post-graduate professionals who are capable of handling problems related to water demand, water source, water treatment, water transport and distribution, sewerage and urban drainage modeling, assessment of sanitation technology and system, solid and liquid waste management and reuse, and water and wastewater quality management and modeling, and water resource planning and management.

       ii.            To provide advanced knowledge and skills to ensure that the scholars gain in-depth and specialized technical proficiency in assessment, planning, designing, constructing and operating water supply and sanitation system facilities.

     iii.            To train post-graduate students who will be capable of providing advisory services and solving the existing and anticipated urban and rural water supply and sanitation systems problems.

     iv.            To train post-graduate students who will be capable of finding optimal and sustainable solutions for the existing water supply and sanitation of our cities.

       v.            To train instructor and researchers in water supply and sanitary engineering.

Admission Requirements

The applicant must have a BSc Degree in Water Supply and Environmental Hydraulic/Water Resources/ Irrigation/ Civil Engineering or its equivalent and meet the admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. He/she must also pass the entrance examination administered by the Faculty. Regarding to applicants from other related disciplines, the Faculty of Graduate Committee (FGC), will rule on the eligibility of such candidates.

Duration of Study

In general, the programs are designed to be a two-year full time studies i.e. the total duration of the study is 2 years for both MSc and MEng programs. But it is also possible to offer both programs in continuing education (evenings, or weekends, summer etc.) depending on the need.

Graduation Requirements

Degree Options

The master programs shall offer the following two degree options:

  • Master of Science Degree (MSc)
  • Master of Engineering Degree (MEng)

The requirements to obtain MSc degree are:

  • Successful completion of all of the first 6 modules which constitute 35 Credit hours
  • Successful completion and defense of a Master’s thesis work

The requirements to obtain MEng degree are:

  • Successful completion of all of the first 6 modules which constitute 35 credit hours
  • Successful completion of one elective course in the 7th module which constitutes 3 credit hours
  • Successful completion of a graduate project work which constitute 3 credit hours