Construction Technology and Management (MSc)


Rationale of the Graduate Program

Infrastructure is a basic prerequisite for development of any nation and thus it is an important contributor for the political-legal, economical, social and technological development of any country. This is also true in Ethiopia; government development strategy in the past 10-15 years has given high emphasis on infrastructure construction and has allocated large part of its capital budget to it. Recent facts indicate that nearly 60% of the federal capital budget of Ethiopia is channeled to the development of physical infrastructure. Moreover, the involvement of the private sector as partners in the capital investment, has resulted in increased capital investment in the field, as well as, promoted the innovation of more advanced technologies & materials in the construction industry.

With increasing complexity and scale of the infrastructure development projects in Ethiopia, the overall advancement in technology and changing human behavioral aspects, construction project management is increasingly becoming more complex and requires specific educational training, practical experience and updating on the last information of developments in the field.

At present, the Ethiopian construction sector is unable to respond adequately to the demands of efficient project management. This can be seen clearly from the increasing tendency to deal with foreign companies instead of local ones in such projects which has many negative effects to the country.

In light of these constraints, the need for post graduate program in Construction Technology and management is paramount: Considering the above justification, Bahir Dar University is intended to offer Construction Technology and management in masters program.

Objectives of the Graduate Program

  • To train engineers in planning and management of large civil engineering works, which include the administration of local and international contracts, feasibility study planning, appraisal of projects and their finance, etc.
  • To train construction engineers who have acquired thorough understanding on the performance of concrete, ranging from material selection to site practices.
  • Promote a strong sense of ethics and professionalism in the construction sector.

Admission Requirements

Students with BSc degree in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Construction Management or an equivalent degree in a related field of study, from an accredited institution. They must also pass the entrance examination administered by the school. Admission is competitive among eligible applicants who pass the examination. Regarding applicants with a degree in a field deemed related to the study program the school shall rule on their eligibility.

Duration of Study

The MSc program is designed to be a two year full time study. Besides this there is a possibility of offering the full MSc program in continuing education (evenings, or weekends etc.) depending on the need. Students are required to take a minimum of twelve Modules including and research method. In addition to this, students who pursue Master of Science Degree are required to carry out a research work (M.Sc. thesis) in their area of specialization during the final semester. Students who pursue Master of Engineering Degree are required to take additional 2 modules (6 Cr.), an independent project (4 Cr.) during the final semester.

Graduation Requirements

Masters programs shall offer two degree options depending on the students performance and availability of advisors:

a)       Master of Science Degree (MSc.).

b)      Master of Engineering Degree (MEng.).

Students are required to take a minimum of 35 Cr.Hrs including research method. In addition to this, students who pursue Master of Science Degree are required to carry out individual research work (M.Sc. thesis) in their area of specialization during the final (fourth) semester. Students who pursue Master of Engineering Degree are required to take additional 2 modules (6 Cr.Hrs) and an independent project (4 Cr.Hrs) during the final (Fourth) semester.

The requirements to obtain M.Sc. degree are:

  • Successful completion of all three semester courses:
    • 35 Cr.Hrs for Construction Management and Technology
    • Successful completion and defense of a Master’s thesis work 6 Cr.Hrs. .

The requirements to obtain M.Eng. degree are:

  • Successful completion of all three semester courses:

    • 35 Cr.Hrs for Construction Management and Technology
    • Successful completion of two additional modules 6 Cr.Hrs.
    • Successful completion of a graduate project works 4 Cr. Hrs.