Information System (BSc)


Bachelor of Science In Information System

Information is increasingly becoming a key strategic resource for effective and sustainabledevelopment of any type of organization in the contemporary society. Recent advancements and applications of information systems and/or communication technologies have transformed the structure ofthe international and national economies, leading to new methods and practices in most institutions. Many Higher Learning Institutions in Ethiopia have also recognized this fact and introduced Information Systems study program in their curricula. 

However, within the HLIs, there are different versions of information systems curricula which are based on diverse viewpoints. One of the results of this is the lack of common understanding between computing curricula in higher learning institutes of Ethiopia. Consequently, a revision was done on the curriculum in response to the following needs of the country to:

  • Harmonize HLIs programs across the country so as to facilitate professional mobility for employment
  • Implement a standardized curriculum at the national level
  • Incorporate the ideas of Competence Based Education (CBE) on the curriculum
  • Incorporate the ideas of modular approach on the curriculum
  • Increase mobility of student from one university to the other
  • Enable students to get certification up on the successful completion of  the module

 Course Profile

Bachelor Degree Programs

  Bachelor of Science in Information System

Hosting Unit

   Faculty of Computing

Program Description:

Personal computers, smartphones, databases, and networks are just some examples of information systems. Enterprises and corporations use information systems to interact with their suppliers and customer base, perform their operations, manage their organization, and carry out their marketing campaigns.

Duration of the program:

  Four years

Medium of Instruction:


Admission criteria:

 Applicants should achieve the minimum score on Ethiopian Higher Education Qualification Certificate Examination (EHEQCE) or equivalent which satisfies admission cut point to higher education set by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency. 

Annual Intake:


Program education objectives :

 Graduates, in general, will specifically have the chance to have knowledge and understanding in the following major areas:

  • Theoretical background on the functionalities of computer and application of computer to businesses 
  • Theories, principles, processes and techniques of organization, storage, retrieval, dissemination and utilization of all forms of information;
  • Understanding of computers and communication systems, including basic software engineering, network design, database development, implementation and management;
  • Knowledge of organizational behaviors and different organizational principles;
  • Various types of academic and business information resources, systems and services;
  • Knowledge of basic principles of ICT-based business information processing techniques;
  • Theories, practices and principles of information systems analysis, design, development and management in the business environment;
  • Principles and different approaches of computer programming and algorithm development to solve real world problems;
  • Theories, practices and principles of business process engineering in a creative manner to solve information related problem of businesses and organizations.

Major Practical Skills of the Graduates will be 

  • To be able to write high and middle level computer programs using different technologies to solve information related problems like storage, retrieval and management of information.t
  • To design, implement and evaluate various information systems and multimedia resources including the Internet;
  • To manage business information systems and services (organization and retrieval of business information);
  • To manage and actively participate in information system development projects; 
  • To analyze, design, develop, manage and evaluate business information systems from different perspectives; 
  • To provide information system/technology consultancy services;
  • To solve problems in business enterprises through application of Information communication technology and development of decision support information systems; 
  • To plan and execute projects related to information systems development and resources and services; 

 Graduates will have the chance to be equipped with transferable skills: 

  • to work in teams specially in information systems projects and systems development; 
  • to have good communication skill
  • to have time and self management skill 

Students outcomes:

  1.  Application developer 
  2. System Analyst
  3. System Designer 
  4. Chief Information Officer 
  5. Programmer 
  6. Business Process Analyst 
  7. Database Administrator
  8. Database Analyst
  9. Database Developer
  10. E-business manager 
  11. ERP specialist
  12. Information Auditing and Compliance Specialist
  13. IT Architect 
  14. IT Asset Manager
  15. IT Consultant 
  16. IT Operations Manager 
  17. IT Security and Risk Manager
  18. Network Designer and Developer 
  19. Network Administrator 
  20. Project Manager 
  21. User Interface Designer
  22. Web Content Manager
  23. ICT Policy Maker 
  24. Information Systems Researcher 
  25. Information Systems Trainer

Graduation statistics 

Year of GraduationNumber of Students
2015/2016          38
2016/2017          34
2018/2017          37
2019/2018          40
2020/2021    No graduate because of COVID-19
2021/2022            39