Programming Laboratory
This computer laboratory room provides majorly progamming language softwares (like C, C++, C#, Java and etc) for courses:
- Fundamentals of Progamming
- Principles of Progamming
- Programming I and Progamming II
- Object Oriented Programming Language
- Advanced Progamming language
- Data structure and Algorithm
- System Programming
- Operating System
- Assembly language
Mahine Learining
Multimedia Laboratory
Available Lab Facilities under Multimedia and Intelligent systems chair
1.Multimedia Lab 1:- the lab is dedicated to undergraduate courses such as:
-Multimedia information systems
-Computer Graphics
-Image Processing
-Computer Vision
-Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
2.Multimedia Lab 2:- the lab is dedicated to undergraduate courses such as
-Multimedia information systems
-Computer Graphics
-Image Processing
-Computer Vision
-Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
3.AI and Data science Lab: the lab is dedicated to the courses
-Artificial Intelligence
-Machine Learning
-Natural Language Processing
-Image Processing & Computer Vision
-Data Visualization and Exploration
-Multivariate Analysis
Networking Laboratory
Required Software Tools(HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP,, and etc) and hardware tools(network cable, RJ-45, Crimper, Tester and etc):
- Web systems and Technology(internet programming I & II)
- Computer Networks
Network Design and Administration(Network Design, System and network administration, network device and configuration)
Database Laboratory
Required Software Tools(SQL Server, Oracle Database, Wamp Server, Mysql-workbench and etc):
- Fundamentals of Database
Advanced Database