Projects List:
No | Project Title | Type | Developer | Status |
1 | Students Information Management System (SIMS) | Application/Software | Molla Alehegn & Assefa Misganaw | Completed and real implemented |
2 | Property Managment System (PMS) | Application/Software | Wondim Dessie, Getnet Mamo | Completed and real implemented |
3 | Procrument Management system (PrMS) | Application/Software | Tsegaw Kellela, Desta Berihu, Mekonnen Fantaw | Completed and real implemented |
4 | Human Resource Management System (HRMS) | Application/Software | Selamneh Belete, Mikias gulema, Belete Mersha | Completed and real implemented |
5 | Investors License Process and Registration System | Application/Software | Addisu Zeleke, Mulugeta Muchie, Hilawie Bihailu | Completed and real implemented |
6 | Poly Loans and Credit Association Management System | Application/Software | Melkamu Achamyeleh | Completed |
7 | Regional Milisha Information Management System | Application/Software | Wendimu Baye, Dr.Yirga, Alemitu Mersha | Completed |