Grant Project
1. "Sustainable Energy and Entrepreneurship Development project" which is funded by DAAD exceed Program for Sustainable Energies and Entrepreneurship in the Global south running by Bahir Dar Energy Center, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University in collaboration with Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germeny. The ultimate goal of the project is not only generating modern and renewable energy for irrigation and electrification application but also create opportunities for youth to engage in entrepreneurial activities
Project Scientific Director: Nigus Gabbiye Habtu (PhD)
Project Scientific Advisor: Seifu Admassu Tilahun (PhD)
Project Coordinator፡ Basazin Ayalew Mekonnen and Negese Yayu Mekonnen
Project Student Assistant: Tenaw Tegbar Tsega
Project Team Members: Biniyam Zemene Taye, Kassaye Gizaw Eshetie and Sisay Asres Belay (PhD)
Websit: Living Lab | Sustainable Energies and Enterpreneurship in the Global South (