Overview Of the Visual Art Department
Bahir-Dar University, Ethiopian Institute of Textile and Fashion Technology Visual Art Department, this Department was founded in 2022 and was the first formal Visual art Department in Amhara Region, Ethiopia. It was founded by Bahir Dar University, Ethiopian Institute of Textile and Fashion Technology (EiTEX), Gimma University, and Arbamenchie University Visual art instructors Curriculum committee members.
The main objective of the program is to provide broad-based design knowledge and skills in Visual art activities. Based on this general principle, Bahir Dar University has designed an undergraduate program of study in visual art.
The Visual Art Department has three stream specializations
- Graphic art and design specializations
- painting specializations
- Sculpture specializations
It is a four-year study program covering 249 ECTS for painting, 248 for painting, and 245 ECTS for Graphic art and design specializations respectively with 15 modules. It is planned to enroll 30 students/academic year (which may be increased further depending on the requirements and the felt needs of the stakeholders).
In 2023 the Department began requiring students to have completed the pre-engineering first semester, 21 students joined the Visual Art Department and In 2024 33 students joined the Visual Art Department, based on the student's first department choice.
It became work and affiliated with Gimma University, Arbamenchie University, and Mekelie University, instructors within block courses in lecture and practical sections, to able to grant bachelor of science in Visual Arts.
3rd Year Visual art (Painting and Graphics Design) Students 1st Art Exhibition
Contact Person:
Solomon Tsegaye (Lecturer)
Head of Visual Art Department
Ethiopian Institute of Textile and Fashion Technology
Bahir Dar University
Phone Number: +251918723025
Email: Solomontsegaye99@gmail.com
Fax: +251 582 26 62 46