Biorefinery Research Centre Profile 

Biorefinery Research Center Picture

Biorefinery Research Centre (BRRC)

National Biorefinery Research Centre

1. Background on Biorefinery Research Centre 

The biorefinery research centre is one of the research centres under Ethiopian Institute of Textile and Fashion Technology (EiTEX) of Bahir Dar University, BDU. The centre is established in the year 2018 G.C. and is among the pillar centre of excellence units in EiTEX. As a research and dissemination centre under EiTEX, BRRC is concerned with professional and research development in the following core disciplines. 

●  Biorefinery technology

●  Biomass and biomaterials science

●  Biopolymer science and technology 

●  Biomedical engineering 

●  Smart materials 

●  Waste to wealth science 

●  Resource recovery engineering 

●  Environmental science and technology

●  Biomass Supply/Value Chain 

Professionals and experts in biorefinery have expertise in life science and material science and engineering. They apply their knowledge and skills in biomass characterization and analysis; conversion of biomass of varietal resources to high value-added biomaterials and design a system for application in varies fields. The versatile biomaterials can be used for many end uses ranging from wastewater treatment through industrial materials to medical product manufacturing. 

The biorefinery research centre currently led by a Director has five research groups in line with biomass to high value-added conversion research theme organized for enhancement of advanced research-oriented teaching-learning, problem-solving research and dissemination tasks, and transferable technology and related outreach activities. These are:

●  Agricultural residue and waste biorefinery 

●  Cotton, textile, and apparel waste biorefinery

●  Leather industry waste biorefinery 

●  Pulp and paper waste biorefinery 

●  Slaughterhouse waste biorefinery 

In line with the vision of the university in global terms and the current differentiation of national assignment, the BRRC is launched among other development programs to excel in research and dissemination activities aimed at providing efficient support to the biorefinery and biomaterials related sectors. The centre is organized to provide research experts and well-trained academia in biorefinery and biomaterials science and engineering with due support for high-value-added manufacturing markets and sectors. 

The centre is aimed at providing efficient support to the textile, apparel, and leather industries; medical, construction, and agricultural sectors; and educational, research, and related institutions. On the spot at the ground the BRRC is engaged in research support at advanced education, problem-solving, and transferable research and training; and outcome-based dissemination in terms of scientific publications and academic seminars at the symposium, conferences, and research-oriented workshops. 

2. Vision of Biorefinery Research Centre

To become one of the top five research institutes in Africa by 2030’

3. Mission of Biorefinery Research Centre 

To create a suitable environment by which students/scholars scale up their academic excellence and potential by involving in biorefinery and biomaterials research and dissemination/transferring acquired knowledge and skills in a systematic way contributing towards environmental sustainability and socio-economic prosperity of the region.

4. Rationale of Biorefinery Research Centre 

The manufacturing sector is given a pivotal role in the national development of Ethiopia with global involvement enhancement. In parallel with the deemed requirement, the availability of virgin materials for the production of high-value-added materials for diversified fields such as in medical, construction, environmental, dietary, agricultural, and multiple industrial sectors is limited. Among the various needs to satisfy the current policy-based requirements is creating specialized professionals and researchers who support the stakeholders to maximize their involvement in producing biomass-based high-value-added biomaterials with impact in regional and global terms. This ultimately needs the creation of specialized professions intended to work on specific research and dissemination to address the critical demands.

The waste-to-wealth economic development is becoming a vitally important scenario in different continents. Especially with the scarcity of virgin raw materials, bio-based materials realized beneficiation from a product substitution point of view in addition to the allied economic and environmental impact. Globally, a boost in the biomass sector through biorefinery research is benefiting countries via the creation of new value chains from waste biomass. Dually biorefinery farms contribute to regional and national sustainability. Ethiopia can be benefited from waste utilization if relevant research centres such as biorefinery are adopted and implemented for the proper incubation of conversion routes and launching of relevant spinoff companies with tremendous socio-economic significance and environmentally friendly biomaterial production. 

Biorefinery research centre and allied facility of Bahirdar University is the only of its kind in eastern Africa with the aim of converting biomass into high-valued added biomaterials for versatile applications. This lays a platform for a university-born national biorefinery research unit. Above all the contribution to the national and global era in research and dissemination will be indispensable which encompasses versatile product substitution and development, economic driving force, and environmental protection in line with SDGs. The core centre objectives are enlisted. 

●  Conduct intensive research/dissemination in biomass to biomaterial engineering

●  Development of high-value-added biomaterials for diversified applications

●  Provide qualified experts in the area of biorefinery science/ technology

●  Provide biorefinery theme consultancy to academia, stakeholders, and nation

●  Create a platform for the implementation of the biomaterial industry 

5. Research Units of Biorefinery Research Centre 

The research groups under BRRC are invented based on the thematic in relation to the vision of BDU, EiTEX, and allied research policy of the government. Currently five research groups are working under the centre. A short description and the current profile of the research groups are presented. It is expected that all the waste biomass available nation wise are addressed as per the detailed thematic of the research groups.  The overall research centre is led by a director and the centre is investigated with the initiation of experts in the area of the discipline with due expertise in biorefinery research and dissemination. 

Professor Tamrat Tesfaye  picture

Professor Tamrat Tesfaye 

Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering 

Scientific Director of EiTEX; Founder of BRRC-EiTEX of Bahir Dar University 

Total publications: 85; BRRC theme publications: 75

Contact Tamrat@

Dehenenet Flatie Tassaw

Lecturer and researcher of Fibre Science and Technology

Coordinator of Biorefinery Research Centre 

Total publications: 7; BRRC theme publications: 5

Contact Dehenenet @ 

5.1. Agricultural residue and waste (ARW) biorefinery 

The developing countries food system mainly depends on agricultural resources like the versatile crops. Ethiopia is not exceptional and produces huge quantities and diversity of crops in both rural areas and urban cities. The residues from agricultural residues are of plenty in quantity and type and together with food processing industry waste such as fruit processing sectors add to the environmental burden as most are released to the landfill or burned for local use. A dual research integrating farmers’ potential and utilization of the generated biomass into valuable materials is very vital and indispensable scheme. This can be realized through the implementation of a suitable biorefinery research platform and facility for agricultural residues and food processing wastes. The current focus of the introduced agricultural and food waste biorefinery under BRRC is the manufacturing of suitable high-value-added biomaterials based on cellulose, lignocelluloslic materials and proteins from agricultural residues and food proceeding industries for application of versatile nature. 

Wassie Menge picture

Wassie Menge 

Lecturer of Textile Manufacturing  

Coordinator of ARW Biorefinery Research Group 

Total publications: 5; BRRC theme publications: 4

Contact Wassie@

5.2 Cotton, textile and apparel waste (CTA) biorefinery 

The global industry and of Ethiopia in particular generate huge amount of fiber based waste in terms of ginning trash in cotton processing, intermediary by-products and lots of apparel waste. Citizens are victims of this waste as most of these wastes are discarded as landfill or burnt for local applications. Intensive research is required to address the multitude dimension problems in economic and environmental aspects through conversion of these fiber based biomass into high value added biomaterials. Cotton, textile and apparel waste biorefinery is introduced under BRRC to tackle such problems by conducting research for biorefining of the wastes for multitude of engineering applications. The current research and dissemination activity of cotton, textile and apparel waste biorefinery involves synthesis of cellulose based high value added biomaterials for modern industrial applications. 

Amare Abuhay picture

Amare Abuhay

Assistant Professor of Fashion Technology

Coordinator of CTA Biorefinery Research Group 

Total publications: 5; BRRC theme publications: 4

Contact Amare@

5.3 Leather industry waste (LIW) biorefinery 

Like the textile and paper industry, the leather sector is criticized from the environmental point of view as the emissions are pollutants in different loads. The biomass generated from the leather industry is of both a chemical nature in rawhide processing and a mechanical nature that covers cut waste from the conversion of raw leather into different clothing materials. A suitable and integrated biorefinery approach can be adopted and intensive research can be carried out for the conversion of wastes from the leather industry into high-value-added biomaterials that can be used as biopolymers, biological agents, and chemical reagents. The introduction of leather industry waste biorefinery under BRRC potentially addresses environmental and economic issues by implementing of product substitution route and reducing the pollution load. The current focus of leather industry waste biorefinery is the conversion of keratin and collagen-based biomass from leather and allied industries to high-value-added biomaterials that can be used for textile and leather industry as part of industrial symbiosis and for high-level smart applications such as in the medical sector. 

Million Ayele picture

Million Ayele

Assistant Professor of Textile Technology 

Coordinator of LIW Biorefinery Research Group 

Total publications: 16; BRRC theme publications: 6

Contact Million@

5.4 Pulp and Paper Waste (PPW) Biorefinery 

Pulp and paper industries including allied manufacturing houses such as furniture construction facilities release large amount of waste which mostly are discarded as landfill or incinerated. The pulp and paper waste biorefinery research group under BRRC is intended to utilize pulp, paper and allied industry wastes through conversion to high value added biomaterials using biorefinery approach. In a waste to wealth scheme multitude of high impact research will be conducted in such a way that huge amount and versatile wastes generated from pulp and paper manufacturing industries will be converted into high value added biomaterials and utilized in various applications such as in textile, apparel, medical, construction, agriculture and related fields with proper dissemination included.  The current research and dissemination work in pulp and paper waste biorefinery is on implementation of lignocelluloslic biorefinery for the production of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin based biomaterials for smart materials, biomedical engineering and medical textiles. 

Gemeda Gebino

Lecturer of Textile Chemistry 

Coordinator of PPW Biorefinery Research Group 

Total publications: 7; BRRC theme publications: 4

Contact Gemeda@

5.5 Slaughterhouse waste (SHW) biorefinery 

The global cattle production is huge and diversified. In Ethiopia in particular the meat base entirely depends on hen, fish, sheep, goat and similar cattle family. The non-edible part of these meat sources such as feathers, legs, fluidic components, horns and so on are a potential source of polluting wastes. An integrated biorefinery is vital for conversion of the multiple type and diversified quantity of cattle based wastes into valuable materials. Some of the biomass can be administered to manufacture exceptionally high value added biomaterials. The slaughterhouse waste biorefinery is a multiple biomass based integrated research unit intended to convert the crude waste generated from cattle and related meat producing industries to high value added biomaterials of versatile home and industrial end-uses. The current focus of slaughterhouse waste biorefinery is on production of keratin based high value added biomaterials that can be used in the form of chemicals and processing aid reagents. 

Derseh Yille

Lecturer of Textile Manufacturing

Coordinator of SHW Biorefinery Research Group 

Total publications: 13; BRRC theme publications: 6

Contact Dereseh@

6. Status of Academics and Research at BRRC

6.1 Academics for student opportunities 

Postgraduate studyFeatured consultancy and supervisory support for existing postgraduate programs in Textile Science and Technology (Ph.D.), Textile Chemistry (M.Sc.), Fiber Science and Technology (M.Sc.), Leather Product Design and Engineering (M.Sc.), Fashion Design and Technology (M.Sc.) is underway. Forecasted academic enhancement of upcoming programs: Textile Materials (M.Sc.) and related programs of EiTEX and Bahir Dar University. In the upcoming year, new programs will be opened in Biomaterial Technology (M.Sc.), Pulp and Paper Biorefinery Technology (M.Sc.), and Resource Recovery Engineering (Ph.D.). Future biorefinery-related programs at the postgraduate level include Biomaterial Science, Biomedical Engineering, and Medical Textiles. 

6.2 Research in Action 

The research activity under BRRC is designed as per the theme of the different research groups of the centre. The current research focus includes the following. 

●  Availability of agricultural residues for biomaterials: Case of Ethiopia 

●  Availability of fruit processing waste for high-valued addition: Ethiopian Scenario

●  Biorefining of crop residue for agricultural applications 

●  Fruit waste-based biorefinery for medical applications 

●  New route of chemicals for the textile industry through agricultural residue biorefinery 

● Availability of cotton, textile, and apparel waste: Case study of Ethiopia 

● Conversion of Cotton fiber waste to high-value-added medical products 

● Production of textile and garment waste-based construction materials 

● Remaking of textile fibers based on CTA waste biorefinery 

● Regenerated fibers based on CTA Biorefinery 

● Availability of slaughterhouse waste: Ethiopian Scenario 

● Development of medical products based on slaughterhouse waste biorefinery 

● Keratin-based biofilms for versatile applications 

● Biorefining slaughterhouse waste for agricultural applications 

● Collagen-based smart materials for scaffold application (waste biorefinery-based) 

● Availability of leather industry waste and by-products of Ethiopia 

● Extraction and characterization of gelatin from a different Ethiopian cattle breed

● Utilization of leather industry waste for biopolymer synthesis 

● Synthesis of leather waste-based chemicals for textile and leather industry 

● Gelatin-based biomaterial production based on leather waste biorefinery 

● Availability of pulp and paper and non-wood waste: Pilot Study in Ethiopia 

● All-in-one biorefining of maize/corn Stover for high-value addition 

● Conversion of straw/saw dust to CNC/hydrogels for hygiene and biomedical 

● Dissolving pulp and synthesis of textile fibers from dissolving pulp 

7. Status of Dissemination at BRRC

● Featured Publications(Sample from current research groups)

1.Tamrat Tesfaye, Bruce Sithole, Deresh Ramjugernath, Viren Chunilall, Valorisation of chicken feathers: Characterisation of chemical properties, Waste Management, Volume 68, 2017, Pages 626-635.

2.Amare AbuhayWassie MengieTamrat TesfayeGemeda GebinoMillion AyeleAdane HaileDerseh Yillie, "Opportunities for New Biorefinery Products from Ethiopian Ginning Industry By-products: Current Status and Prospects", Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts, vol. 6, 2021.

3. Grace Kakonke, Tamrat Tesfaye, Bruce Sithole, Mbuyu Ntunka, Production and characterization of cotton-chicken feather fibres blended absorbent fabrics, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 243, 2020.

4. Enawgaw, H.; Tesfaye, T.; Yilma, K.T.; Limeneh, D.Y. Synthesis of a Cellulose-Co-AMPS Hydrogel for Personal Hygiene Applications Using Cellulose Extracted from Corncobs. Gels 2021, 7, 236. 

5. Magdi E. Gibril, Nana Zhang, Yanbin Yi, Pansheng Liu, Shoujuan Wang, Tamrat Tesfaye, Fangong Kong, Physicochemical characterization and future beneficiation routes of wild fruit waste (Hyphaene Thebaica seed) as a source to extract mannan, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 267, 2020.

6. Tesfaye, T., Ayele, M., Ferede, E. et al. A techno-economic feasibility of a process for extraction of starch from waste avocado seeds. Clean Techn Environ Policy 23, 581–595 (2021).

7. Million Ayele, Derseh Yilie Limeneh, Tamrat Tesfaye, Wassie Mengie, Amare Abuhay, Adane Haile, Gemeda Gebino, "A Review on Utilization Routes of the Leather Industry Biomass", Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2021.

8. Fagbemi, O. D., Tesfaye, T., & Sithole, B. (2021). Corrigendum to “Evaluation of waste chicken feather protein hydrolysate as a bio-based binder for particleboard production”, Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 4, 100226.

9. Tamrat Tesfaye, Bruce Sithole, Deresh Ramjugernath, Valorisation of chicken feather barbs: Utilisation in yarn production and technical textile applications, Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, Volume 8, 2018.

10. Haile, A., Gelebo, G.G., Tesfaye, T. et al. Pulp and paper mill wastes: utilizations and prospects for high value-added biomaterials. Bioresour. Bioprocess. 8, 35 (2021).

11. M Gibril, T Tesfaye, B Sithole, P Lekha., Optimisation and enhancement of crystalline nanocellulose production by ultrasonic pretreatment of dissolving wood pulp fibres, Cellul. Chem. Technol, 2018.

12. Haile, A., Gebino, G., Tesfaye, T. et al. Utilization of non-wood biomass for pulp manufacturing in paper industry: case of Ethiopia. Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2021).

13. Olajumoke D. Fagbemi, Bruce Sithole, Tamrat Tesfaye, Optimization of keratin protein extraction from waste chicken feathers using hybrid pre-treatment techniques, Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, Volume 17, 2020.

14. Tamrat Tesfaye, Bruce Sithole, Deresh Ramjugernath, Valorisation of waste chicken feathers: Optimisation of decontamination and pre-treatment with bleaching agents using response surface methodology, Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, Volume 8, 2018.

15. Mduduzi Khumalo, Bruce Sithole, Tamrat Tesfaye, Valorisation of waste chicken feathers: Optimisation of keratin extraction from waste chicken feathers by 

Scientific Publications (total) = 131; Publication per staff= 11.9

sodium bisulfite, sodium dodecyl sulphate and urea, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 262, 2020. 

● Symposiums and conference contributions (sample)

1. Recovery of valuable chemicals from animal slaughterhouse/processing industries by-products.

2. Study on the availability of high-value-added wastes of paper and pulp

3. High value-added potentials of agricultural crops

4. Availability of high value-added wastes of cotton, textile, and apparel industry

5. Leather Industry: Application for high valued added materials 

6. Corn waste-based hydrogels for hygiene applications

7. Novel hydrogels for agricultural and medical applications 

Symposiums/conferences (total) = 13

8. Facilities and Services


State-of-the-art laboratories and allied facilities of EiTEX ( and BDU are available at different campuses that can be used for research and dissemination work involving members of the research groups and postgrad students. Fulfillment and upgradation to an integrated biorefinery facility is underway. The facilities are used broadly for:

●  Pretreatment and preparation of biomass 

●  Compressive biomass analysis and characterization 

●  Biomaterial synthesis and production (Extraction unit, reactors, separators)

● Characterization of biomaterials at different levels (Chemical, Molecular, Physical, Thermal)

● Product development and serviceability analysis 

Current Biorefining Expertise

Currently, the following high-value-added biomaterials are produced with the available facility and showed potential for laying of biomaterial-based spinoff Company. The activities involve postgraduate students of the institute and research centre scholars. 

●  Starch for biofilm based on mango and avocado seeds

●  Cottonseed meal-based biomaterials for agricultural applications

●  Keratin-based hydrogels for biofilm synthesis

●  Chicken leg-based biomaterials for versatile applications 

●  Corn Stover-based hydrogels for hygiene applications

●  Chicken feather based high valued added biomaterials for biofilm

Biorefinery-based projects (total) = 10


● Technical training on biorefinery technology and biomass-based community service 

● Software and advanced study tools on job training

● Serial training on  research methodology 

● Demonstrative practicum on integrated biorefinery 

● Waste to wealth awareness training and public services 

● Waste management awareness and practical training 

● Environmental management awareness and practical training

● Circular bioeconomy awareness 

● Biomass and biomaterials and allied product testing and characterization

● Techno-economic, sustainability, and market analysis on spinoff companies 

9. Potential collaborations

BRRC is working under EiTEX of Bahir Dar University and implemented as part of the vision of the university as an esteemed research university and works with close and mutual relation with sister research units of the university and related research and project supporting organizations. Current national and global collaborations with the centre are presented. 

●  KFW


●  MoE

●  AgriProFocus 

●  MiNT

10. Staff Profile of BRRC 

The staff profile of the biorefinery research centre is composed of different specializations as shown in the summarized table. The short description details of individual scholars working at the different research groups are also presented. 

Professor Tamrat Tesfaye

Name: Tamrat Tesfaye 

Research group: Biorefinery Research 


Position: Professor

Core research area: Biorefinery; Waste Valorisation 



Bahirdar University, EiTEX


Academic Qualification:

● Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Howard College, KwaZulu-Natal University, South Africa

● M.Sc. in Textile Technology, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia

● B.Sc. in Textile Engineering, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia 




For more on BRRC

Recent Publications (BRRC)

● Physicochemical characterization and future beneficiation routes of wild fruit waste (Hyphaene Thebaica seed) as a source to extract mannan

● Beneficiation of avocado processing industry by-product: A review on future prospect

● Valorisation of waste chicken feathers: Optimisation of keratin extraction from waste chicken feathers by sodium bisulphite, sodium dodecyl sulphate and urea

● A techno-economic feasibility of a process for extraction of starch from waste avocado seeds

● Optimization of keratin protein extraction from waste chicken feathers using hybrid pre-treatment techniques

● Synthesis of a Cellulose-Co-AMPS Hydrogel for Personal Hygiene Applications Using Cellulose Extracted from Corncobs


Dehenenet Flatie

Name: Dehenenet Flatie 

Research group: Biorefinery Research Center


Position: Lecturer

Core research area:   Biorefinery (Pulp; cellulose; protein,   hydrogels) 



Bahirdar University, EiTEX


Academic Qualification:

● MSc. in Fiber Science and Technology, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia 

● B.Sc. in Textile Engineering, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia 




For more on BRRC

Recent Publications (BRRC)

●  Bio-refining of cottonseed meal from oil industry for the isolation of eco-friendly natural protein polymer

● Preparation and Characterization of Protein‐Based Hydrogel: Cottonseed Protein Grafted with 2‐Acrylamido‐2‐Methylpropanesulfonic Acid (AMPS) 

● Nanotechnologies past, present and future applications in enhancing the functionality of medical textiles: a review

● Synthesis, functionalization, and commercial application of cellulose-based nanomaterials: A review

● Surface modification of cellulose nanocrystals for biomedical and personal hygiene applications


Adane Haile

Name: Adane Haile 

Research group: Pulp and Paper Biorefinery 


Position: Associate Professor

Core research area: Pulp Biorefinery; Medical Textiles; Fiber Characterization 



Bahirdar University, EiTEX


Academic Qualification:

● M.Tech. in Fiber Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi, India 

● B.Sc. in Textile Engineering (Finishing), EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia 




For more on BRRC

Recent Publications (BRRC)

● Pulp and paper mill wastes: utilizations and prospects for high value-added biomaterials

● Utilization of non-wood biomass for pulp manufacturing in paper industry: case of Ethiopia

● Opportunities for New Biorefinery Products from Ethiopian Ginning Industry By-products: Current Status and Prospects


Million Ayele

Name: Million Ayele 

Research group: Leather Industry Biorefinery 


Position: Asst. Professor

Core research area: Leather Biorefinery;   Natural Dyeing   



Bahirdar University, EiTEX


Academic Qualification:

●  M.Sc. in Textile Technology, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia

●  B.Sc. in Textile Engineering, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia




For more on BRRC

Recent Publications (BRRC)

●  A Review on Utilization Routes of the Leather Industry Biomass

●  Utilization of non-wood biomass for pulp manufacturing in paper industry: case of Ethiopia

● Opportunities for New Biorefinery Products from Ethiopian Ginning Industry By-products: Current Status and Prospects


Amare Abuhay

Name: Amare Abuhay 

Research group: CTA Biorefinery 


Position: Asst. Professor

Core research area: CTA Biorefinery;  Ecofriendly  Fashion 



Bahirdar University, EiTEX


Academic Qualification:

● M.Sc. in Fashion Technology, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia

● B.Sc. in Garment Engineering, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia




For more on BRRC

Recent Publications (BRRC)

● Opportunities for New Biorefinery Products from Ethiopian Ginning Industry By-products: Current Status and Prospects 

● A Review on Utilization Routes of the Leather Industry Biomass

● Pulp and paper mill wastes: utilizations and prospects for high value-added biomaterials


Eyasu Ferede

Name: Eyasu Ferede 

Research group: Agrowaste Biorefinery 


Position: Lecturer 

Core research area: Agriculture Waste  Biorefinery; Fibre Reinforced Composites 



Bahirdar University, EiTEX


Academic Qualification:

● M.Sc. in Textile Manufacturing, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia

● B.Sc. in Textile Engineering, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia




For more on BRRC

Recent Publications (BRRC)

● Beneficiation of avocado processing industry by-product: A review 

● Evaluation of Mechanical and Water Absorption Properties of Alkaline-Treated Sawdust-Reinforced Polypropylene Composite 

● A techno‑economic feasibility of a process for extraction of starch from waste avocado seeds


Wassie Menge 

Name: Wassie Menge   

Research group: Agrowaste Biorefinery 


Position: Lecturer 

Core research area: CTA Biorefinery, Agriculture Waste Biorefinery; Indigenous  Textiles    



Bahirdar University, EiTEX


Academic Qualification:

● M.Sc. in Textile Manufacturing, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia

●  B.Sc. in Textile Engineering, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia




For more on BRRC

Recent Publications (BRRC)

●  Utilization of non-wood biomass for pulp manufacturing in paper industry: case of Ethiopia

● Opportunities for New Biorefinery Products from Ethiopian Ginning Industry By-products: Current Status and Prospects 

● A Review on Utilization Routes of the Leather Industry Biomass


Dereseh Yille 

Name: Dereseh Yille   

Research group: Slaughterhouse Biorefinery 


Position: Lecturer 

Core research area: Animal Waste Biorefinery; Moisture Management; Smart Textiles       



Bahirdar University, EiTEX


Academic Qualification:

● M.Sc. in Textile Manufacturing, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia

●  B.Sc. in Textile Engineering, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia




For more on BRRC

Recent Publications (BRRC)

●  A Review on Utilization Routes of the Leather Industry Biomass 

● Pulp and paper mill wastes: utilizations and prospects for high value-added biomaterials 

● Opportunities for New Biorefinery Products from Ethiopian Ginning Industry By-products: Current Status and Prospects 


Gemeda Gebino 

Name: Gemeda Gebino   

Research group: Pulp and Paper Biorefinery 


Position: Lecturer 

Core research area: Pulp Biorefinery; Fibre Characterization, Bioactive Textiles       



Bahirdar University, EiTEX


Academic Qualification:

●  M.Sc. in Textile Chemistry, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia

●  B.Sc. in Textile Engineering, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia




For more on BRRC

Recent Publications (BRRC)

●  Extraction and characterization of indigenous Ethiopian castor oil bast fibre. Cellulose.

●  Utilization of non-wood biomass for pulp manufacturing in paper industry: case of Ethiopia 

●  Study on efficacy of moringa stenopetala seed oil extract for antimicrobial activities on textile materials


Haymanot Enawgaw

Name: Haymanot Enawgaw

Research group: Agrowaste Biorefinery 


Position: Lecturer 

Core research area: Biorefinery (Pulp; cellulose; hydrogels) 



Bahirdar University, EiTEX


Academic Qualification:

● M.Sc. in Fiber Science and Technology, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia

●  B.Sc. in Textile Engineering, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia




For more on BRRC

Recent Publications (BRRC)

●  Synthesis of a Cellulose-Co-AMPS Hydrogel for Personal Hygiene Applications Using Cellulose Extracted from Corncobs


Kelem Tiessasie

Name: Kelem Tiessasie

Research group: Leather Industry Biorefinery 


Position: Lecturer 

Core research area: Leather Biorefinery, Moisture Management, Polymer Technology



Bahirdar University, EiTEX


Academic Qualification:

● M.Sc. in Fiber Science and Technology, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia

●  B.Sc. in Textile Engineering, EiTEX, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar , Ethiopia




For more on BRRC

Recent Publications (BRRC)

●  Synthesis of a Cellulose-Co-AMPS Hydrogel for Personal Hygiene Applications Using Cellulose Extracted from Corncobs


Contact Information:

Biorefinery Research Centre (BRRC-EiTEX), of Bahirdar University

Address: Bahirdar, Ethiopia 1037

Phone Number: +251-918-646-499

Fax Number: +251 582266246 
