Hello and Welcome to the website of the Blue Nile Water Institute (BNWI) at Bahir Dar University. My name is Goraw Goshu, currently serving as the Director of BNWI. I thank you for your interest in our institute and cordially invite you to see some of our water-related research and community service activities at this website.
BNWI was established in 2012 following the Legislation of Bahir Dar University and allowed to operate under the Vice President Office for Research and Community Service. Our vision is to see the institute being one of the ten premier water research Institutes in Africa by 2025 taking innovation, quality research and education, safety and ethics, teamwork, product/service oriented, and excellence as a core value.
BNWI aspires to see an improved livelihood of communities and well-managed ecosystems in Ethiopia and to be the leading research and information center related to water. BNWI was established to carry out research work (both applied and basic) on water resources utilization, development, and management in the Blue Nile basin, providing consultancy and advisory services in the areas of water resources and environment.
Strategic development of four knowledge roles which are knowledge generation, knowledge sharing, and knowledge brokering and encouraging the application of knowledge helps BNWI to be knowledge center. The roles will be realized by conducting world class research, working closely with partners and building alliances in all our research and knowledge sharing activities, taking responsibility for sharing the knowledge we generate, building research capacity among colleagues and partners, ensuring that our knowledge is used to improve water and water related resources, to contribute to the better use of water and broadly to the socio-economic and technological advancement of Ethiopia.
The main objectives are promoting hydro geological, eco-hydrological, socio-economical, biophysical, and health research studies related to Water; developing an information data base on the research, development and policy aspects of water; creating a reputable center in water and water related research areas; developing research capacity of researchers/instructors in Bahir Dar University and beyond; promoting academic discourse between professionals from Bahir Dar University and other institutions and countries.