Project planned Activity and calendar /tracking progress
WP1: Overall project management, Budget control, reporting and dissemination, (Led by BDU
Activity 1.1: Establish a project communication strategy to share project updates, findings, and
successes with stakeholders, the scientific community, and the public/Monitoring and evaluation framework/
Activity 1.2: Conduct implementation workshops/LINK core team on Curriculum Evaluation, Action research & teaching pedagogy training at BDU
Activity 1.3: Publish research evidences
Activity 1.4: Design project's website
WP 2 Multi-stakeholder collaboration and curriculum evaluation and Launching (Citizen Science Appraoch)
Activity 2.1: Identify potential multistakholder members and foster their collaboration in the evaluation and implementation of MSc program in Agroforestry (AF)
Activity 2.2: Evaluate the existing MSc programme in AF at Bahir Dar University using multistakholder platform
Activity 2.3:Local Stakeholderplatform meetings 1 year 1 for Needs and Demands Assement and Feedback
Activity 2.4: Local Stakeholderplatform meetings 1 year 2 for regular excahnge on TL and PAR
Activity 2.5:Local Stakeholderplatform meetings 1 year 3 for regular excahnge on TL and PAR
Activity 2.6:Workshops for BDU staff in gender sensitivity(2Workshop)
WP3: Capacity buidling in transformative learning, participatory action research, Green
pedagogy and AE (Jointly led by HAUP and BDU)
Activity 3.1: Conduct Training on curriculum evaluation and development,
Activity 3.2: Develop training manual for innovative participatory teaching pedagogy/gender, diversity and inclusion/
Activity3.3: Conduct Training on Green pedagogy (Trans-disciplinary approach–Inclusion of
Activity3.4:Training of Community-Based Facilitators to facilitate AE knowledge in FFLGs
Activity3.5:Stregthening Scientific team at University level
Activity3.6:Guidelines for gender, diversity and inclusion for project developed
- Reviewed gender mainstreaming strategy at BDU
Activity 3.7: Formulation of a teaching, learning and internship guide and rules as an attachment to the MoUs
WP4: Implementation of AE Outreach Centre and AE training of stakeholders
Activity 4.2: Develop Ecosystem based approach AF management manual
Activity 4.3: Review of literature on Ecosystem-based Adaptation experiences for policy
Activity 4.4: Prepare policy brief of research results
Activity 4.5: Establish Agroecology and Agroforestry Outreach Centre at BDU
Activity 4.6: Conduct Farm based Training on Integrated Pest management for farmers for
effective knowledge transfer and application in practice
5 Students´ Project Works on AE topics delivered at BDU (Reports)
5 Students Training reports from AE Demo farm at BDU (Reports
incl. images).
5 Students Training reports from SP (Reports incl images).
WP5: Mobility and Networking
5 Students´ presentations on AE topics hold at BDU (Presentations);
Travel to Austria to LINK project team(2 members)
Contribution for HAUP interns at BDU